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Josie Barlow
& Cashmere
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'Cashmere and Josie celebrating the Chinese New Year, since Josie is from Taiwan.'
Cashmere and Scruffy, decided to go out to their favorite Chinese restaurant to celebrate the country where Cashmere's owner, Josie is from....Taiwan. Taiwan is a very pretty island country off the south eastern part of China. It is known for it's beautiful, serene green mountainous and rolling hilly countryside with beautiful red and white pagodas lining the countryside. It is also known for being-- 4th largest marble producers in the world. Taiwan, has mountains and mountain of raw marble. Marble is one of the hardest stone to manufacture than diamonds and it is so dangerous to extract it from the mountains because slabs of marble can weigh well over a ton if not more than 2 tons and they have to use special equipment to carry it and saw it from the mountains of marble. It is extremely dangerous work and some workers get killed in the process, because if you have slabs of marble accidentally fall on you can be crushed to death, so this is why 'marble' is so expensive even to this day, many of the marble is used for countertops, bathrooms, and floors of the rich, well to do people here both in Europe, Asia, USA, and all over the world. Also, well known for their Chinese cuisine and their politeness to strangers making them feel welcome as guests in their homes and restaurants. The Taiwan people are very hospitable and friendly people. The Chinese people are also, known for several inventions, like paper, rice, gun powder and fireworks. So, just think every Chinese New Year and 4th of July (in the USA) is always celebrated with loud noises of fireworks. Even though, I was adopted when I was 5 years old by American parents, I still celebrate the Chinese New Year, by going to my favorite chinese restaurant and remembering my heritage where I came from. I have been an American citizen for most of my life and enjoying the 2 best countries that I know of Taiwan and the United States of America...they both have such great things to offer both in culture and different ways of life! I am always proud to be an American, but never have forgotten my roots! I hope people read this caption, because it is dear to me that I share this about myself here to my wonderful friends here in the Pet n Friends Community. Josie and Cashmere.
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