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The Adventures of Scaredy Cat
Photo A Day
Scaredy Cat's hooman is part of a photo a day challenge group where each day the participants take a photo based on a daily prompt. Some days it can be something as simple as taking a photo of something in a specific color or as hard as the subject of "less is more". Some use an actual camera and others use the camera that is on their mobile phone. Scaredy Cat decides he wants to try this and after spending the afternoon wandering around town, he connects his camera to his computer and uploads the various photos he took. He likes what he sees and thinks that maybe this could be a new hobby for him. The hard part will be choosing the photo he likes best to submit.

This week, the challenge is based on a photo a day challenge that Scaredy Cat's hooman takes part in. Your challenge is to choose from a supplied list of prompts that were taken from several month's prompt list and create your own "photo". There is no right or wrong way to interpret the prompt. Use your (and your pet's) imagination. If you choose the "little" prompt - maybe it's a chance for you to showcase your "tiny art" or show the difference between big and little. Using the prompt "clouds" might enable you to use the abundance of clouds received from the weather game! This is a chance for you to have fun with a variety of topics that you can pick from. Choose one or choose more than one - that will be up to you!!

Here is your prompt list:
*Food *Begins with B *Different *Ha!
*Clouds *Blue & White *Season *Oh No!
*Cute *Leaves *Little *Out of Place
*Stripes *Three *Beautiful *Begins with T
*I Love... *Less is More *Thank You For... *In the Night
*I Found This *Patterns *Begins with S *My Morning View
*What I Did Today *From Down Low *I Saw This! *Outside the Window
*What is This? *Together

Here's the basics:
Your submission MUST be related to the theme
You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Photo A Day" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT March 27th (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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