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Denise Grandon
& Oliver


Oliver has completed the quest of
"The Pawshake Redemption" !

Oliver is questing!
Episode 1:
Scary Night
Bob, the scaly monster, is the last of his kind. He makes a living carving decorative pumpkins. Each year he makes a delivery to his biggest customer, Doctor Pawshake, who lives in 'Castle Pawshake'. Pawshake has rented the castle for decades. In this remote location, he can perform his 'scientific' experiments without scaring everyone else to death. He has few visitors, and every time Bob visits him, he wishes he did not have to be one of them! Worst of all, he is running late, and arrives during what looks like being a very scary night.

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Sir Fluffle Bottom.

You shook paws with Sir Fluffle Bottom the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Sir Fluffle Bottom and you found 1 "Scary Night"

Tries today: 492 Find points today: 92 Hunt total: 1925

You get (x1)Sir Fluffle Bottom gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Oliver is questing!
Episode 2:
The Pumpkin Collector
Bob is scared of Pawshake's thunder hound, but he knows how to cover fear; look scary yourself. Bob spends half his life frightened of something or another, but nobody ever notices because they can't tell between a scared monster and a scary monster.

Doctor Pawshake admires Bob's offerings and says he would like to buy all of them. But unfortunately his landlord, Skeezle, has raised the rent, and he has nothing left to pay Bob with.

"What would you accept in payment instead of sweets?" asked Pawshake.

"Nothing you can give me," replied Bob. He only understood payment in sweets.

"Try me," said Pawshake.

Bob looked embarrassed. "I am the last of my kind. I desperately want a wife to live my life with me, but you can't get me what doesn't exist."

Pawshake stroked his chin, then stroked his thunder hound. "I can provide you with a living bride if you can bring me suitable parts from which she might be made."

Bob was at once terrified and strangely excited. This seemed wrong - but this might be the only way he could ever be happy. “But there aren’t any parts in these parts,” he said. “You can’t get parts for parts sake. I would have to scour the whole Forest of Bob to find parts of former Bobs.”

“Were you all called Bob?” asked Pawshake, patting the head of his thunder hound as he asked.

“Well, there was my dad Bob, and my mom Bob, and my father’s brother was Bob, and if any of their ancestors had different names, I never knew.”

“And where is the Forest of Bob?” asked Pawshake. “There aren’t many trees around here.”

“Oh, pretty much everywhere,” replied Bob. “We chopped down most of the trees to grow pumpkins, but all of us lived in what used to be the Forest of Bob when it had trees in it.”

If Bob had owed Pawshake rather than the other way round, Bob would have been out of the door by now, but Pawshake needed a plan. “To redeem my debt,” he said, “I will make you a bride if you can find me the parts. I suggest you put together a team, give them some reason to help you, and bring the parts back to me.”

“I could only pay them in sweets,” said Bob. “But what if you can’t make me a bride?”

“Then I will give you back one pumpkin and you can try again,” said Pawshake.

Bob didn’t think Pawshake could do it, but he had nothing to lose but sweets. “And I’m down to my last million sweets,” he moaned to himself as he left the castle.

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Zen.

You shook paws with Zen the Green Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Zen and you found 50 "Dr. Pawshake’s Striped Surprise" size 4.

Tries today: 647 Find points today: 104 Hunt total: 1937

You get (x1)Zen gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 50 !!!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 3:
Team Bob!
Bob, Oliver and the rest of the crew decide that after dinner treats are called for, but unfortunately Teal Bug seems to be suffering from a sugar high, and Aye-Aye has a bit of an ice cream headache. Bob, needing assistance in gathering body parts, knows that he somehow has to convince his pals to help. Ice Cream BAD, Bob tells them. Bob take you to sweets shop, follow Bob this way!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Banjo.

You shook paws with Banjo the Black Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Banjo and you found 50 "Mysterious Nebular Delight" size 4.

Tries today: 10 Find points today: 6 Hunt total: 1948

You get (x1)Banjo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 50 !!!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 4:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Oliver and Bob are horrified to find the venus fly trap eating body parts they need! How can they get them out of there? Daft Green Spider decides to sacrifice himself to the mission, but Teal Bug better get him out of there before he becomes lunch!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met River Song.

You shook paws with River Song the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

River Song and you found 5 "Bunny in a Jar" size 4.

Tries today: 108 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 1970

You get (x1)River Song gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 5:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Oliver wrinkles their snout in distaste, as Bob and the team find and collect a dismembered orange toot! For a moment there, Oliver even thought that Bob was going to eat the toot...after all, it wasn't actually a Bob body part... However, Bob remembered Dr Pawshake saying that he might be able to make a bride for Bob from the body parts of other species of monsters, if it was really necessary...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Sir Precious McPrance.

You shook paws with Sir Precious McPrance the Green Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Sir Precious McPrance and you found 5 "Venus Fly Trap" size 4.

Tries today: 116 Find points today: 31 Hunt total: 1973

You get (x1)Sir Precious McPrance gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 6:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Bob sacrifices his favorite wind up mouse to Grizzle, hoping that he'll give up his stash of monster parts. The friends are a little horrified to come to the stark realization that there are an awful lot of parts in the Forest of Bob, where could they all be coming from?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Dumbledore.

You shook paws with Dumbledore the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Dumbledore and you found 5 "Bunny in a Jar" size 4.

Tries today: 247 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 1993

You get (x1)Dumbledore gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 7:
Team Bob on the Move!
While searching the Forest of Bob for parts of former Bobs, Oliver and the team come across a sentient monster eating tree. Fortunately the sentient monster eating tree's eyes are light sensitive, so Bob averts potential disaster by shining his torch into its eyes while the team escapes!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Berta.

You shook paws with Berta the Bashful Badger. You both received one silver mole!

Berta and you found 5 "Atoms" size 4.

Tries today: 327 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 2003

You get (x1)Berta gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 8:
Team Bob on the Move!
After searching most of the Forest of Bob, Oliver and the team are footsore and bone weary, but only Aye-Aye, Spidey and the Teal Bug were lucky enough to procure mounts, as Bob led them through the desert in search of body parts. This left Oliver feeling hot and bothered, wishing they had stayed on their own Petspage feeding FnC into the Fruit Machine instead of following Bob and the team through this never ending forest!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Eevee.

You shook paws with Eevee the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Eevee and you found 5 "Atoms" size 4.

Tries today: 508 Find points today: 80 Hunt total: 2022

You get (x1)Eevee gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 9:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Neither rain, nor sleet nor dark of a cave with poisonous air can deter Bob and the crew from wandering everywhere in the forest of Bob for parts! Oliver is pretty sure that helmet is leaking tough, and a sea horse just wafted by being chased by a jellyfish...or maybe it was a few too many sweets?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Petra.

You shook paws with Petra the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Petra and you found 5 "Atoms" size 4.

Tries today: 674 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 2044

You get (x1)Petra gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 10:
Team Bob on the Move!
Bob thought he knew every part of the Forest of Bob, but he was quite bemused when Oliver discovered an orange brick road, with a tin man waving to them, green scarecrows in the fields, and a witch's cauldron bubbling away on the side of the orange brick road...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Shekinah.

You shook paws with Shekinah the Black Lovable Labrador. You both received one silver mole!

Shekinah and you found 5 "Hatching Egg" size 4.

Tries today: 27 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 2056

You get (x1)Shekinah gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 11:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
What madness is this! Oliver and friends are horrified to find a field of parts swimming in a sea of leaves! Bob is convinced that they must all be Bob wife parts, but Teal Bug is put off by the lightening getting closer! After Daft Green Spider and his relatives pull up a few parts to take along, they scamper along quickly before getting struck!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Mini.

You shook paws with Mini the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. You both received one silver mole!

Mini and you found 5 "Cryogenic Freeze Capsule" size 4.

Tries today: 69 Find points today: 24 Hunt total: 2068

You get (x1)Mini gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 12:
Team Bob on the Move!
Looking for parts of former Bobs, Oliver and the team think they are onto something, when they come across a monster sculpture, which seems to contain lots of parts within it? But try as they might, they can't work out how to get those parts out. And tired as they are, Bob does not even notice what he's stepping on...?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Symone.

You shook paws with Symone the Ragdoll Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Symone and you found 5 "Hatching Egg" size 4.

Tries today: 190 Find points today: 37 Hunt total: 2081

You get (x1)Symone gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 13:
The Call of Cthulwho!
While Oliver and the team are searching for body parts in the haunted woods within the Forest of Bob, a Cthulwho lands amongst them, near squashing the life out of a harmless little salamander that was minding its own business! With a blood curdling scream, Oliver runs from the scene, with Bob and the team hot on their heels!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Flora.

You shook paws with Flora the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Flora and you found 1 "Sinister Cthulwho" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 285 Find points today: 47 Hunt total: 2091

You get (x1)Flora gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Oliver is questing!
Episode 14:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Boiling body parts simmer in the big black cauldron and Bob is in full blown panic attack! The friends are feeling a little queasy at the thought of dipping into that soup to ladle out the things they need. Oliver ducks quickly behind a tree to revisit lunch, while Bob starts tucking monster parts smelling of carrots and onions into his knapsack.

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Bukowski.

You shook paws with Bukowski the Brown Funky Monkey. You both received one silver mole!

Bukowski and you found 5 "Ball Lightning" size 4.

Tries today: 330 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 2096

You get (x1)Bukowski gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 15:
The Call of Cthulwho!
While Oliver and the team are searching for body parts in the haunted woods within the Forest of Bob, a Cthulwho lands near the bush they are searching beneath! In abject terror, Oliver releases a blood curdling scream and flees the scene, with Bob and the rest of the team hot on their heels!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Marmite.

You shook paws with Marmite the Brown Owl. You both received one silver mole!

Marmite and you found 1 "Sinister Cthulwho" size 10.

Tries today: 354 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 2100

You get (x1)Marmite gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 10)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 16:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
As night falls in the Forest of Bob, Bob finds a gruesome green arm. Bob examines it closely, wondering if Dr Pawshake can use the body parts of other species of monsters to make a bride for him? "Hey Bob", shouts Oliver, "there is also a mouldy old mauve leg leaning against that tree over there!"

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Aleister.

You shook paws with Aleister the Black Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Aleister and you found 5 "Venus Fly Trap" size 4.

Tries today: 393 Find points today: 64 Hunt total: 2108

You get (x1)Aleister gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 17:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
While Teal Bug and Oliver supervise, Bob and Aye-Aye come up with a creative way to gather dangling body parts. Which one of these parts can be converted to Bob's wife? Only Dr. Pawshake can tell, so there's no leaving any behind! Bob needs a mate!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Daba.

You shook paws with Daba the Dauntless dolphin. You both received one silver mole!

Daba and you found 5 "Purple Kaboom Cloud" size 4.

Tries today: 522 Find points today: 80 Hunt total: 2124

You get (x1)Daba gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 18:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
In an old treasure chest hidden away in a secret tidal cave, Oliver and the team find a pirates' cache of gruesome body parts...although none appear to be the body parts of former Bobs... Even if Dr Pawshake can make a bride for Bob from parts of other monster species, Bob would not expect such a creation to be especially hale or hearty!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Rusty.

You shook paws with Rusty the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Rusty and you found 5 "Jar of Eyeballs" size 4.

Tries today: 34 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 2154

You get (x1)Rusty gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 19:
Return to Castle Pawshake
While traveling the steep and winding road to Castle Pawshake, Bob clutches his extra Bob parts for the experiment, but there are nefarious things afoot in the woods! EEEERIE fog seeps over the land, scaring Bob when he thinks he sees Aye-Aye's head floating above the grave yard! Daft Green Spider's hair has been standing on end, the electrical currents zapping in the air....... and the pumpkins in the patch are twitching! Bob is determined that no matter how scared he is, he will make to the top of Castle Pawshake, HE WILL!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met bluey.

You shook paws with bluey the Arctic Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

bluey and you found 1 "Scarier Scary Night"

Tries today: 189 Find points today: 43 Hunt total: 2180

You get (x1)bluey gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Oliver is questing!
Episode 20:
The parts are laid out.
Bob and the crew finished their climb up to the old musty smelling attic of Dr Pawshake, only to take in all the strange sights and smells coming from the scattered cages and jars. Bob deposited the body parts on the old slab, and Oliver added the other parts they'd carried up. Daft Green Spider perched in the window, hoping that, if needed, a hasty retreat could be made. Teal Bug only wishes that window was a little closer, as feeling a little nauseated, it would be tragic for barfing to happen on the body parts. Bob wonders if maybe this was a BAD idea?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Velveteen.

You shook paws with Velveteen the Brown Rustic Rabbit. You both received one silver mole!

Velveteen and you found 5 "Noble Plasma Globe" size 4.

Tries today: 400 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 2202

You get (x1)Velveteen gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 21:
Dr Finkensen, I presume?
BUZZZ! ZAP! HUM! Dr Rat Finkensen and the thunder hound are creating a lightening storm, and zaps are zipping around, causing Aye-Aye's hair to stand on end. Oliver, quaking in their shoes, grabs Teal Bug's hand, hoping that they survive the crazy world being created before their eyes! Bob is even more excited about the final transformation happening! The Mrs Bob looks to be shaping up!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Lulu.

You shook paws with Lulu the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Lulu and you found 5 "Noble Plasma Globe" size 4.

Tries today: 590 Find points today: 91 Hunt total: 2228

You get (x1)Lulu gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Oliver is questing!
Episode 22:
Finkensen's Monster!
As the lightening disperses, the body parts transform into a horned monster! Oh my, could this type of wicked experimentation account for the rows of fresh graves in the field below?
Mortified, Oliver and the team flee the room, with Bob vowing never to marry this scary horned monster! But, in their wake, Rat Finkensen transforms back into the gentle Dr Pawshake, and quietly sleeps off the effects of his transformation...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Conrad.

You shook paws with Conrad the Brown Owl. You both received one silver mole!

Conrad and you found 1 "Blue Horned Stomper" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 4 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 2238

You get (x1)Conrad gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Oliver is questing!
Episode 23:
Pawshake redeems a pumpkin
By the time Pawshake wakes up, Bob has calmed down quite a lot! As promised, Pawshake returns one of Bob's pumpkins, a plump red pumpkin, which Bob gives to Oliver. Even though Bob won't marry a monster of another species, he really wants to ensure this monster is protected, so he gives it to Oliver to care for, as he himself plans to return to the Forest of Bob...for more body parts of former Bobs...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Beatrice.

You shook paws with Beatrice the Brown Rustic Rabbit. You both received one silver mole!

Beatrice and you found 1 "Red Floral Pumpkin"

Tries today: 201 Find points today: 45 Hunt total: 2279

You get (x1)Beatrice gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Oliver is questing!
Episode 24:
The madness
As the sun sets on a blood orange sky and disembodied screams swirl through the air, the team resumes its hasty retreat from Pawshake's Castle. Oliver becomes disoriented. Not surprisingly, as Dr Pawshake seems to be intent on burying them in GM! Sadly, Oliver doesn't realise that Dr Pawshake is simply trying to compensate them for their ordeal... Desperately struggling to hold themself together, Oliver races back to their homepage, intent on swapping places with another Pet to assist Bob in his Quest for more body parts...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Julius.

You shook paws with Julius the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Julius and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 259 Find points today: 55 Hunt total: 2289

You get (x1)Julius gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 20