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Scaredy Cat
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welcome to the jungle - [url_newtab=/community.php?id=20&galleryDate=2015-05-06]6th May 2015[/url_newtab]

dragons and tigers and bears!! oh my!!
scaredy cat is a little nervous as he goes on his first jungle expedition with kaida. she is trying to convince him that there is nothing to worry about. "in the land of pets 'n' friends, all animals are safe and quite harmless", she explains. scaredy cat isn't sure if he can believe this or not. he tries pointing out that there's a green dragon breathing fire and a tiger is lurking from behind tall reeds of bamboo. and speaking of bamboo, that bear behind them is wielding a giant piece of bamboo!! it's gonna attack!!

this week's theme is "it's a jungle out there". what kind of jungle does your pet live in? is it a real jungle with exotic animals and birds? maybe your pet is a workaholic and its life is centered in the concrete jungle! or maybe with a little luck, your pet's jungle consists of fuzziness and sweets!!

for your participation this week, you will receive the new scene "brown bamboo village" which of course can be found in the scenes tab of the local pnf department store!!

please note that free use of the editor will be coming to an end in the very near future. once the gifting feature is fully created, tested and functioning, we will transition to inventory use only. please continue to enjoy the editor as it is and we will make an announcement prior to the change.

here's the basics:
you must submit your art to the pnf art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* put "welcome to the jungle" in the title or description
* the entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* to vote, click the "like" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* voting will be open immediately
* this challenge will be open from now until around midnight GMT may 11th (monday night in the USA).
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