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Sep 5th 2016
24 slides

Sep 6th 2016

Day over

Sep 7th 2016
41 slides

What's in the box?

Ailsa McKillop
"Since it appears none of you can be at all sensible about this," announced Edgar, "I'm going to suggest the box should contain the best of English literature -- Shakespeare, Dickens, Poe, Austen, Rice Burroughs, Twain, Christie, Capt. W.E. Johns." "Who's Poe?" asked Lamb. "I can't stand Jane Austen," remarked the Mean Black Cat. "Anyone writing sentences of that length today would go straight on the reject pile." "You're welcome to your uninformed opinion," snapped Edgar. "You're fond of authors named Edgar, I see," observed the Rattlesnake, smirking. "Good to see you've got Capt. W.E. Johns in there too. I know you'd rather read Biggles than Shakespeare any day."

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