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Jann Wabick, Aug 2017
Welcome to the community. My name is Jann and I am one of the moderators for PnF. If you have questions, or need any help, please feel free to ask, and I will help to the best of my ability. I hope you enjoy this wonderful game. Have fun, and remember it is easy to find help on the group page. Come visit us here PnF Group

If you want to visit lots of friends, head to the PnF Visiting Center to the Zoo .. where there are many options to visit other PnF pets!! Here's the link: PnF Visiting Center
Joy Gift, Aug 2017
Hi Jamie! Welcome to Pets 'n' Friends! My name is Joy Gift and I run the Welcome Wagon where I give new players and their pet all sorts of goodies to help them get started in playing the game. If you would like me to send you a package containing a variety of decos, backgrounds etc. including a little gold and silver, you can either leave me a note below or pop by my page and leave me a message on my wall and I will get a pack to you as soon as I can. I hope you enjoy it here. It's a great game with wonderful people who will help you out and answer any questions you may have.
Have a lovely day!

Joy click here to visit my page
