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Deedee Saad, Sep 2020
Wow.. another fairytale ..lovely scene
What is it about this time?
Mette Marie Delourme, Sep 2020 (edited)
It is a story about a young man who they called Ash Lad. His real name was Halvor and he was the son of a poor couple. He got his name because he was always groping around in the ashes. The story is long, but he had to save a princess and her sisters from the trolls. He met an old woman on his search for the princess that traded him a pair of boots that took twenty miles a step for his horse. She asked him to wait for the West Wind. It knew where the Soria Moria Castle was where the princesses were hold captive, and that there was to be a wedding there. Halvor set out with the West Wind to reach it. Finally reaching the Soria Moria Castle, Halvor put the ring the princess had given him into a cup and had it brought to the princess. She recognized the ring and the spellbound was broken and she married Halvor, also called the Ash Lad, instead of the new bridegroom. And of course they lived happily ever after.
Deedee Saad, Sep 2020
Ooh.. i love the story.. gonna look for it and read it
Thank you so much for writing the synopsis
Ailsa McKillop, Sep 2020