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Aquarius, 2nd Aug
Whilst happily beachcombing, you met Bunnibuns.
Gollum shook paws with Bunnibuns the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!
While digging for clams Gollum digs up a couple of special shells.
Your friend also gets two shells!
Jenni Paske, Dec 2018
Looking for Christmas
Leticia Lucia Finletter is in raptures to add a "Stacka’Cups (Snowflake Tea Set)" to their collection of rare fine bone China! Mother will be pleased!
Tries today: 409 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 2193
Sue, Jun 2017
Were doing a Quest in the jay and puddle Bar ,, its getting every one to Change there greeter pet to a dog NOT the one ur using for the Quest :) If your willing to change ur pet for 1 week ,untill next wednesday and message me on my pet page you will be entered into a raffle to win 10,000 Fnc Feed in the way of a jack danniels :) Remember ur Greeter has to stay for 1 week next wednesday ! i will place ur name on a list for the raffle :D

Anyone who already has a Dog please post on my page to be entered , as long as you dont change

Remember to post on my pet page please this is where i will get ur name from to be entered in the raffle