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Autism Acceptance Month
Dear Friends,
April is Autism Awareness Month. Autism is a wide spectrum disorder, but every autistic pet and hooman have the same wishes. We wish to be accepted and to have fulfilling lives just like you! We just need extra help, lots of encouragement, and for everyone to help us grab opportunities to push the boundaries of our capabilities.
Many of you are aware that Scaredy Cat has autism, and that JJ is his emotional support pet to help him navigate the world. You know what that makes Scaredy Cat? Well, it makes him especially awesome, of course! Hoomans who are on the spectrum must work extra hard to do most of the things other pets and their hooman family and friends take for granted. So, if you know someone with autism, you know a fighter!

This week, to celebrate Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month, please join me, Scaredy Cat, in creating art that shows all the wonderful things you do all the time, that maybe you could help someone with autism do too! Maybe you like to fish? Or, maybe you make art, write stories, knit cute sweaters? Do you ride a bike? Read books? Fly in planes? Do you ride the bus, drive a car, go to the movies, see concerts? Autistic pets and hoomans want to do those things too! Show us how you’ll include them in your adventures! For more information on Autism, please check here:

I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Love, Scaredy Cat

*** The month of April is Autism Awareness/Acceptance month. If you'd like to show your support, place the Multi-Colored Ribbon for Autism (found in the shapes tab in mall) or one of the Autism Infinity Symbols (found in the decorations tab in the mall) somewhere in your scenes.

Here's the basics:

Your submission MUST be related to the theme
You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Autism Acceptance Month" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT April 30, 2024 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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