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Mette Marie
& Aurora


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Aurora the Midnight Mauve Unicorn (female)
Birthday: 2020-06-04 Adopted: 2020-06-04.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (Deflated)

Best: 349 hits

Your challenger!

As the sun goes down I come alive with speed and energy! Very few can keep up with me for I run and run and run spreading glitter everywhere I go. And to think people still question where the stars come from. As everyone else rests I keep them safe and secure checking up on them and keeping any ghosts at bay. Those mystical hooves you hear in your dreams, well, they just maybe me pulling up your covers and tucking you in.

It has been a rather long night and I must rest. While all the other pets in PnF are asleep I am out prancing around, spreading magic and keeping guard. Now as the sun rises I finally can sit. Maybe even have a nibble or two of some tasty treats. I need regain my energy as there is much to do as dusk approaches yet again.

Standing atop the hillside here I can see dawn breaking in the distance. Soon my duties of the night will be complete for another day. I look down over the lands of PnF and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that yet again everypet is safe and secure; comfy and toasty and ready for a new day. I take my responsibilities very seriously as not many could do as I. It is a great honour that has been bestowed upon me and I intend to respect it. Sleep well PnF and enjoy the new day to come!

Aurora's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 6099
Best: 7691
Level 243301

This pet has not made any achievements yet.

Aurora lives here!

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