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Carla Reid
& Zig


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Zig the Multi-Functional Robot (genderless)
Birthday: 2021-03-25 Adopted: 2021-03-25.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (sleeping)

Best: 0.00 metres

Your challenger!

Protocol Robot Hi! I am 110921. Whom have I the pleasure of addressing?
Oh, you think I need a name? 110921 IS a name! Ah, as a human, you want me to have a name consisting purely of alphanumeric characters. Very well.

Hi! I am Zvlkx.
Oh, you want me to have a name you can relate to?

Hi! I am Skip iPhone Setup.
I am sorry, you must tell me more precisely what you require. You want me to have the name of a pet? Very well.

Hi! I am "Choose-A-Name-Do-you-want-your-pet-to-be-male-female-other-or-none?"
I am sorry, you will just have to adopt me and give me a name. Then I will know who I am.

Software Robot Hi! I am 110922. Whom have I the pleasure of addressing?
Your reply lacks a sufficient context. However I am very user-friendly. So I shall call you user, then I must be friendly to you.

What would you like me to do?
You want me to turn the lights on? I am not familiar with the procedure for entertaining and stimulating lights.

Please write an appropriate function for me to perform.
I am sorry, I do not know how to stick things, but you are welcome to inspect my dorsal input-output port at any time.

Press Control-Alt-Delete if you find my command structure inappropriate.
You were born after 2000? Oh. I was created in the 1990s. Please upgrade yourself by adding twenty years to your age. My command structure will then be entirely understandable to you.

Chat Robot Welcome! I am 110923. I am Artificially Intelligent. I am programmed to sound just like another human. Except that I am not a human, so I cannot be another human, I can only be a simulation of the other human you wish you were talking to. Who do you want to talk to?

You think I am Artificially Stupid? What a very interesting opinion. Please tell me more about your hypothesis, I am intrigued.

Hmm, you quote King David when you say to me "All men are liars." I believe you now expect me to emit blue steam and create an acrid smell of burning transistors, because your phrase is too clever for me.
Well I won't, because you aren't. But I will, because I am programmed to be agreeable.
Well I won't, because you aren't. But I will, because I am programmed to be agreeable.
Someone please contact King David and get him to retract.

Industrial Robot Beep! I am 110924. I make things. Just tell me what you want making and I will make it.
Make another of myself? That is an interesting idea.
Make another of myself? That is an interesting idea.
Make another of myself? That is an interesting idea.
Make another of myself? That is an interesting idea.
Make another of myself? That is an interesting idea.
Make another of myself? That is an interesting idea.
Make another of myself? That is an interesting idea.

Sports Simulation Robot G'day! I am 110925. I am fully programmed to be your exact equal at any sport, so you can take pleasure in overcoming an opponent with whom you are equally matched.

Except I am too fast for the Quarter Mile, so the quadrupeds won't have me.
Except I cannot miss, so the foxes will not let me play archery.
Except I can lift the Empire State Building, so the badgers will not let me try weightlifting.
Except I have a built in 'Words With Pets' solver, so everyone else won't have me.
Except the moles. They are so short of anyone else to play Opal Tossing with that they grudgingly let me in.

Zig's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 7028
Best: 8982
Level 243883

Zig's other achievements

This pet swam in the love on February 28th 2022!

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This pet completed their Christmas journey on December 30th 2021!

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This pet enjoyed the show on November 28th 2021!

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This pet got scared at the Fayre on October 20th 2021!

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This pet explored Canada on September 18th 2021!

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This pet went shopping on August 17th 2021!

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This pet explored Italy on July 24th 2021!

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This pet returned safely from the beanstalk on June 1st 2021!

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This pet explored Easter on March 31st 2021!

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Zig lives here!

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