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Joy Gift delivers anonymous gifts from PnF users!
PnF New Year's Party :)
Joy is on her way to the annual PnF New Year’s party.

As usual they put her in charge of the drinks and party favors. But Joy is puzzled why they all laugh so much, when they appoint her Drink Master.

Every year it’s the same: Storia and Scaredy cat giggle and can hardly look at her, Bob almost gets his chocolate bar down the wrong pipe because he is laughing so hard, Skeezle obviously thinks he’s the king of comedy saying: “Careful now, Joy, you might drown this year!”.

What does he take her for? It’s not like she would ever take more than a couple of sips of the beautiful cocktails she makes!

And that Flounder dude is so rude, always bringing up the unfortunate incident, when Joy had a sprained wing and landed in a crystal goblet champagne glass and nearly drowned, it’s not her fault, that to everyone else, it looked like she was so tanked that she crashed into it and gobbled up all the champagne!

Cupig is helping Joy haul all the party favors to the party, where all the pets have started to arrive, and at least no one laughs at her generosity.
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