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Uncle Robert
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Uncle Robert explains
...but he only has his tablet, because a HUGE grouper just ate his PC!!!
Oh Flounder, that's another easy one! This Little Duckie has never owned a computer, so he makes all of his art on his tablet...
Sure, it's a little slower than making it on a PC, and Duckie doesn't have a lot of free time, so his art may be a little basic...
But Duckie can participate in the weekly art challenge (and receive a nice participation prize!)
Here's how Duckie makes art on his tablet:
On the right hand side in the art Editor are the editing symbols.
To decorate a pumpkin, Duckie selected "Editor" on his tablet, and clicked "Add All" to load his Inventory.
Duckie chose his favourite scene and made it the background.
Duckie then chose his favourite pumpkin overlay, and used the + to make it full sized. Simples!
Duckie finally chose his favourite Pet to decorate his pumpkin with.
He used the + to make the Pet bigger and then the new red arrows at the bottom to move it where he wanted it.
Duckie typed in his title, saved his art to his home page, and entered it into the weekly art challenge, the same as normal.
Now he is patiently waiting for whatever wonderful participation prize he will receive this week...
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