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When Pigs Fly!
New Year's Party ~ Happy ~ 2017 ~
New Year's Party - Cupig's Perspective (just before the party starts)
Cupig looks around the room, he's the first to arrive and he's found the perfect spot to hang around in (after all, he can fly!) He's heard last year's new year party went pretty crazy and he has a feeling this year it will be much better and he doesn't want to miss a thing!
On their way to the party, Storia, Boris and Joy are having an ongoing discussion about small-creature issues. The New Year's Party was a very good reason to meet up.
Shy troll, Hubert was invited but did not want to attend until his good friend Dexter assured him that he would not leave his side all evening.
N2P2C2 and Gwinn don't even notice what anyone else is doing - they're having a blast dancing! There's going to be some stellar new music sung by Billy and produced by N2P2C2 at the party! Billy tries to get Skeezle to dance along but Skeezle tells him he's under cover, after all, party or not. Who knows when the next case could pop up! Bob's complaining, he wants to continue to wear his Santa hat... it keeps his scaly head nice and warm.... so what if it's a new year party! Flounder just can't figure out where everyone is. He's waiting at the Candy Cane Cafe and it looks like there's dancing in the streets around a Christmas tree that's still decorated! Hmmm?
MIT had sent first class tickets to Isla, Basil and Trai'zari to come attend the new year's party. Only Basil, who is almost retired has shown up. Della consoles Scaredy Cat who is second-guessing agreeing to come to the party and missing his best friend, Kaida.
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