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The Adventures of Scaredy Cat
August Colours
Scaredy Cat and Bob were busy doing their artwork at the community centre this week. With the heat still scorching outside, it's nice to paint indoors this time around. Bob suddenly mentioned that this is the last month of summer and Scaredy Cat was taken aback by that...realizing that their fun in the sun, the lovely thirst quenchers, the summer activities will all come to a halt soon when the season change...sigh....
"I'm gonna paint something fabulous today,” said Bob. "Something we can hang proudly on the walls of the community centre; something to signify summer". Scaredy Cat felt that he wanted to do his best too..." What should we paint? “asked Scaredy Cat. Bob replied, "You know, summer is all about colours surrounding us. Why don't we paint in the August Colors?" "What Colour is August? A month has a color?" asked Scaredy Cat. "I'm glad you asked!" exclaimed Bob. "I did some research (Google of and I found out that every month and date have a unique color just as every person is unique.
The color for August is Sun Orange - a warm and—you guessed it—sunny color, perfect for a month with so many Leo birthdays. Leo itself is ruled by the Sun, and this is a powerful color, great for optimism, joy, expression, and creativity. You can't be too shy when you're wearing orange," Bob says, adding it's also a color that helps to see the brighter side of life. "Sun Orange is a royal color that signifies power and greatness. The color is associated with the sun and representative of light. Just look outside of our window. What do you see?" Scaredy Cat glances out and sure enough, the flowers are blooming in shades of sun orange and yellow. "It's also high season for sweet corn, tomatoes and cantaloupe," continued Bob, "all in shades of orange and yellow."

This week, we want to see artwork using the August colors - shades of sun orange and yellow. It can be a direct use of decos in that color or a mixture of different colours to create the sun orange color (just like what Scaredy Cat is trying to achieve). It can also be an abstract piece. It is the last month of summer, and you can do an artwork of an object, a scenery, a thirst quencher, a tribute, a pet and much more as long as it's in the shades of sun orange!! "I think JJ thinks I'm painting her! LOL!! Sorry JJ, I'm trying to do a masterpiece here and mixing these colours are not easy,” said Scaredy Cat. Your artwork may have other colours but at least 50% will need to be the August Colors. Paint away my talented artists :)

Here's the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
* You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put “August Colors” in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT Aug 16, 2022 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA)
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