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Scaredy Cat
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Everyday Moments
It's raining outside and Scaredy Cat had nothing to do, so he decided to do the one thing he gets the most pleasure from - playing in the attic. For him, it's a place where he can go to when he is feeling scared or unsure of things going on around him and no one will bother him while he's there (unless it's time to eat). He finds a box to play in and hops inside. When he's in one of the boxes, he can pretend that he's in a far away magical place with endless supplies of milk and mouse cookies or that he's sailing on a pirate ship seeking buried treasure on a faraway deserted beach. He tries to sneak in a little time everyday to visit the attic and just escape for those few precious moments to himself because it's his happy place. Well....he just heard that lunch is ready....guess it's time to head downstairs!

This week we'll be sharing our everyday moments. In life we have moments that happen daily, and we do them without thinking. Often these moments are the beautiful ones. Your early morning coffee as the sun rises, chaotic dinnertime with your family, your transit to work. What's your everyday moment?

Here's the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme
* You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Everyday Moments" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around April 4, 2023 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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