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Scaredy Cat
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Poems OR Fools
Spring is in full swing. As Scaredy Cat was looking out the window to bask in the new season, he saw Bob sneaking around at the front door and was acting very suspiciously. "What is he doing?" asked Scaredy Cat to himself.
Meanwhile Bob was trying his best to be very careful, not knowing that Scaredy Cat was observing him through the window. "This will be the best prank ever" he said to himself. He slowly placed what looked like a turd of some kind at the front door and then he rang the doorbell.
Before he could move away from the door, Scaredy Cat called on him "Bob!! What are you doing?"
Bob was startled and turned to see Scaredy Cat looking at him through the window. "Oh no! You've ruined it! Don't you know what day is it today? It's just a little prank" he sulked.
Of course, it's April 1st!! Scaredy Cat remembered now. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble Bob, but I'm not gonna be made a fool this year. Just come on in" Scaredy Cat replied.
"I know that this is your favourite day Bob, but to quote the great Mr. T, ‘I pity the fool...’" Scaredy Cat laughed out loud. "Nice try though but having you as my friend for so long had truly prepared me for today."
"Can we at least have the people at the Community Centre do their art based on an April Fool's theme? Bob asked.
"It can be done but April Fool's is only 1 day". He then continued:

"April is a rainbow month
Of sudden springtime showers
Bright with golden daffodils
And lots of pretty flowers"

"What is that? A poem?" Bob asked.
"Yes. It is a poem, albeit a sweet and simple one but doesn't it just give you joy to hear? You see, the whole month of April is dedicated as National Poetry Month, and I really would like to see the interpretation of poems via artwork at the Community Centre this week" Scaredy Cat said.
"Why don't we have both themes for this week’s art project? I don't know much about poetry, but I know lots of pranks" Bob said eagerly.
"That's not a bad idea. We should try them both. Let's go to the Community Centre and finalize the details.”
Both of them left to head to the centre happily.

It's that time of the week again and this time, Scaredy Cat and Bob would like to see artwork based on 2 themes: April Fool's or Poetry. What's your favourite April Fool's pranks or jokes? Are you the prankster or are you the fool? Who's your favourite poet? What are your favourite poems? Can you interpret it through art? Or better still, write your own poems and make it into an artwork. There are so many ways to interpret this week art themes and we look forward to enjoying them all. Get your creative caps on and create!!

Here's the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme
* You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Poems OR Fools" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until April 2, 2024 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA)
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