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The Adventures of Scaredy Cat
Hug Your Cat Day
Scaredy Cat is feeling really uncomfortable right now. He's got all these pets surrounding him and trying to give him all these hugs! What is going on? Why does everypet want to hug him all of a sudden? Like most cats, he doesn't mind a bit of attention, but this is a bit over the top. It's way too extreme for his taste. As JJ sits closely to him for reassurance, Bob, who is Scaredy Cat's best friend, explains that this week there's a celebration called "Hug Your Cat Day" and everypet in town has heard about it and they all wanted to come by and give their favorite feline a big hug! Even our Bad-Tempered Bunny Bear (impatiently) is waiting to have a turn to give a hug. Oh my......he wonders how he will handle this. This is just too much. How on earth will he survive all this attention? He's not sure he'll make it. Can he find his way out of the room and into the attic where he can hide from all of this attention? This week we're celebrating cats!! It's Hug Your Cat Day on June 4th, so go find a furry feline and give it a big hug! Or at least one that the cat can handle!! Let the kitty in your life know how much you love it. Hug it. Pat it on the head. Snuggle with it (if it will let you). Get some special treats that your cat is sure to love (like a little bit of fresh fish or chicken). Buy a new toy or find an empty box for it to climb into. Love cats but don't own one? Go to your local animal shelter and offer to spend some time loving on their kitty residents! Hoomans and pets alike - go hug a cat today!! Here's the basics: *Your submission MUST be related to the theme . *You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted. * Put “Hug Your Cat Day” in the title or description * The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner. * To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want * Voting will be open immediately * This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT June 9th (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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