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The Adventures of Scaredy Cat
In My Room

Scaredy Cat is having a rough day today. It seems that no matter what he does, something doesn't go quite the way he thought it would. So he decides that he is going to take JJ and to go to the one place he feels safe and secure whenever he's feeling a bit overwhelmed or anxious - the attic. This is the one room that he can go to and not have any worries that someone will say something to make him feel bad. While he's sitting in one of his favorite boxes, he hears the following lyrics being sung from the old radio:
"There's a world where I can go
And tell my secrets to...

In my room
In my room

In this world I lock out
All my worries and my fears

In my room
In my room
Wow - someone understands how he feels about the attic! Maybe today isn't nearly as bad as it seemed.

This week - we want to know about that special room you may have. If you were to go to your room, where would it be? Is it your bedroom? The kitchen? Maybe your room is in the attic like it is for Scaredy Cat. What do you do when you go there? Cook or eat? Pray or meditate? Maybe it's where you can actually hear yourself think when you've had a day filled with sensory overload. Maybe it's the one place you can curl up with a good book and read without interruption. Is your room a place where no one is allowed EVER? Scaredy Cat's hooman had 2 special places - one was actually under a tree near the far corner of the back yard/garden and the other was was in the basement that she went to when it was too cold or wet outside. Her family knew it was HER space and did not venture to those spots unless it was to call her for important reasons. We would love for you to share where your room is and what makes it important to you.

*To Celebrate this being the 250th art challenge recorded in the PnF News Page...
For this week ONLY the participation reward will be awarded as followed:

If we get up to 80 individual participants - Sweet n Sour Stinger (5,000 FnCs)
If we get up to 100 individual participants - Jack Spaniels (10,000 FnCs)
If we get up to 125 individual participants - Super Slug Surprise (25,000 FnCs)

Here's the basics:
*Your submission MUST be related to the theme
*You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "In My Room" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT January 26th (around 7:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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