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The Adventures of Scaredy Cat
BFFs Scaredy Cat and Bob are once again at the community rec center for another art class. It's been raining almost every afternoon, making it hard to do any fun outdoor activites, so the rec center is the place to be. It's dry, has air conditioning and there's always something interesting and/or fun to do, so why not go there? Today they're making "Eggberts" on canvas. Scaredy Cat's hooman created them when she became interested in drawing and started making a whole series of them in her sketch book. Each one was different from the other, but they also had some similarities as to their components. Each had some kind of "weird" hair or feathers sticking out from the top of their heads. Some wore some kind of hat. Most had some kind of goofy expression on their faces. But all were lots of fun to create and fun to look at. The pets were encouraged to create their own "Eggberts" and after the class ended, they would be featured in a limited exhibit so that the locals could see these cute and funny beings. Scaredy Cat checks his out as he gets a little excited about his art being showcased. He wonders what other pets and hoomans would think about his handiwork.

This week, we're gonna join the pets at the rec center and create our own "Eggberts"! What is an "Eggbert" you may ask? It's an egg-shaped bird-like critter/creature. Eggberts always have some sort of expression of bewilderment or amusement and sometimes even an expression of confusion. They have wings of some sort. They like to wear hats, although not all Eggberts feel the same. They typically have pokey hair or feathers popping out from the top of their heads, but they only have a small amount of hair or feathers on their heads. You might see some with stripes or polka dots on their egg-shaped bodies. Some Eggberts are a bit on the shy side and tend to stay to themselves while others are very social and, as the saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together" although they're not exactly birds so who knows how this fits in with them. The thing they definitely have in common is they are a bit funny to look at.

***Big bonus this week!!! Every player that enters this week's art challenge will be put into a drawing to win a limited edition prize that is worth at least 500 GMs!!

Here's the basics:
*Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
*You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Eggbert" in the title or description.
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries
as you want.
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT August 3rd (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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