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Sharon Winkley
& Samantha


Samantha has completed the quest of
"Fast and Furriest" !

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 1/29:
Summer is the best time for sports festivals. There was a rumour that Sam was going to create one, but since Sam is a turtle, it wasn’t that hard to beat him to it. The Mouse in Trousers got there first! He announced the most auspicious event of the year, thus:

"There shall be a magnificent festival of sport, in which the Fast and the Furriest shall compete to win one of a magnificent set of racing cars!"

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet piper.

You shook paws with piper the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

piper and you found 1 "Purple Pawesome Stone" size 9.

Tries today: 182 Find points today: 43 Hunt total: 378

You get (x1)piper gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 9)

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 2/29:
Sam wasn’t pleased. As Captain of the Power Pets Sports Club, he sees himself as the authority on sport. So he climbed onto the stage and said he should have been in charge. The Mouse replied, off mike:

"If I left it to you, the entire competition would have been fixed from the beginning. Your Champions would have won everything. I hate cheating! My sports festival will be FAIR!"

Flounder, who likes to have his nose in everything, had followed Sam to see what he was up to. He hid from the Mouse, and heard everything, but was not sure whether Sam had seen him or not.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Spark.

You shook paws with Spark the Arctic Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Spark and you found 1 "Blue Pawesome Stone" size 9.

Tries today: 221 Find points today: 48 Hunt total: 383

You get (x1)Spark gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 9)

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 3/29:
Next day, Samantha was wandering through Weston Plaza when she saw a sign: "Snoopers wanted! Meet at the Drunken Dolphin!"

Thinking she would like to snoop on the snoopers, Samantha went along and found Flounder with some strange pets she had never seen before.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet ****.

You shook paws with **** the Playful Penguin. You both received one silver mole!

**** and you found 1 "Blue Pawesome Stone" size 9.

Tries today: 272 Find points today: 58 Hunt total: 393

You get (x1)**** gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 9)

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 4/29:
“Oh, have you come about the job?” asked Flounder, finally noticing Samantha. “We could do with a Dwarf Hamster in the team. We shall be trying to catch Sam’s Champions cheating in the games. Meet Sir Loin, Fuchsia and Candy. They are all experts in their sports, but they haven’t been around here long. I want someone who knows Pets ‘n’ Friends inside out to take charge of them. You’ll do! Just take notes on what they discover and then report back to me. If those Champions cheat, I’m going to make sure they pay for it!”

Samantha said she didn’t like cheating either, so she gladly agreed.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Suzy Q.

You shook paws with Suzy Q the Brown Rustic Rabbit. You both received one silver mole!

Suzy Q and you found 1 "Green Pawesome Stone" size 9.

Tries today: 319 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 400

You get (x1)Suzy Q gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 9)

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 5/29:
Flounder took the team outside. “It’s going to be hard work keeping up with the flow of events,” he said, “so I have provided the team with a horse.”

“But we can’t cover all 15 events, even with a horse!” said Samantha.

“Right, this team will be investigating Moon Jumping, Air-Robics and Distance Flying,” said Flounder. “There are bound to be expenses and you deserve a reward, so I shall be paying you in gems.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Kalila.

You shook paws with Kalila the Arctic Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Kalila gave you 1 "Midnight Galloping Horse" size 7

Tries today: 393 Find points today: 74 Hunt total: 409

You get (x1)Kalila gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 7)

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 6/29:
At the inaugural ceremony, all the competitors were gathered before the Mouse in Trousers, who had dressed in a wig to show the competitor’s oath would be legally binding. “As sole author of rules and regulations, I require you to repeat after me: I shall not cheat or play tricks on my opponents!”

As Samantha listened, she thought she could hear some deliberate mumbling, and saw quite a few paws being crossed behind the backs of the Champions.

“And don’t think you can get away with mumbling!” said the Mouse. “Rule 1: you must take the oath! If you don’t take it you are out, and if you break it you’re out. I’ve got you both ways!” Samantha suppressed a laugh as she noticed Sam the Turtle rolling his eyes. “May the Fast and Furriest pets win!” said the Mouse.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Flippers.

You shook paws with Flippers the Dauntless Dolphin. You both received one silver mole!

Flippers gave you 1 "pet overlay 6"

Tries today: 657 Find points today: 103 Hunt total: 438

You get (x1)Flippers gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 7/29:
While awaiting the Distance-Flying competition, Samantha talks to the other spectators and discovers all the contestants for the Distance Flying are out in the concession stands. Candy and Fuchsia arrive, confirming the rumour the contestants are eating more than they should be - and who wouldn't when Stella, the current champion, was being as generous as to pay for everything?

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Redrum.

You shook paws with Redrum the Crow. You both received one silver mole!

Redrum and you found 1 "Green Pawesome Stone" size 9.

Tries today: 691 Find points today: 106 Hunt total: 441

You get (x1)Redrum gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 9)

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 8/29:
Watching the Distance-Flying contestants line up, Samantha notices Stella is looking ready-to-go. The competitors however... is it Samantha's imagination or do all the other bugs look tired and sluggish? It might be the offer of free food from Stella had more intent than generosity.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Red Rocket.

You shook paws with Red Rocket the Summer Tanager. You both received one silver mole!

Red Rocket and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 721 Find points today: 109 Hunt total: 444

You get (x1)Red Rocket gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 150

23rd Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 9/29:
It seems Claudia isn't the only champion accused of cheating, Samantha finds out while taking a break to watch another tournament. Drake is the only competitor in Air-robics flying well today, showing off his moves by flying his plane upside down across the field. While Candy is highly intrigued, Samantha convinces her to focus on their current mission.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Leeloo.

You shook paws with Leeloo the City Rat. You both received one silver mole!

Leeloo and you found 1 "Red Pawesome Stone" size 9.

Tries today: 756 Find points today: 112 Hunt total: 447

You get (x1)Leeloo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 9)

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 10/29:
While on the hunt for more proof against Claudia, Samantha catches wind of a rumour about the Air-robics champion, Drake. Turns out this rumour was in support of the champion, claiming he spent his holiday practicing with Joy in a friendly competition racing around the Cove.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Dumbledore.

You shook paws with Dumbledore the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Dumbledore and you found 10 "Purple Star Coin" size 4.

Tries today: 17 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 454

You get (x1)Dumbledore gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10
(size 4)

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 11/29:
Claudia sometimes travels during her training, currently attempting a jump over the famous Trifle Tower... Wait a minute - is she using a giant spring to jump? Well... it is only practice... though Samantha believes Claudia may have used a similar trick in an actual competition.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Inukshuk.

You shook paws with Inukshuk the Arctic Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Inukshuk and you found 10 "Sixth Place Rosette" size 4.

Tries today: 120 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 477

You get (x1)Inukshuk gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10
(size 4)

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 12/29:
Camped out near by, Flounder, Samantha, Candy, Fuchsia, and Sir Loin try to look inconspicuous as they investigate Claudia Cow, the so-called Moon Jumping Extraordinaire. Watching a practice run of Claudia jumping over a Mole Hill, they all wonder how far this champion will go to cheat her way to victory.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Oscar.

You shook paws with Oscar the Brown Owl. You both received one silver mole!

Oscar and you found 5 "Treehouse Frame" size 4.

Tries today: 138 Find points today: 33 Hunt total: 480

You get (x1)Oscar gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 13/29:
Time for some research! Moon Jumping was cancelled due to a sudden unexpected storm. To learn more about Claudia - the subject of an investigation on accusations of cheating - Samantha, Candy, Fuchsia and Sir Loin gather inside to watch a short film about Claudia.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Itchy.

You shook paws with Itchy the Merry Mole. You both received one silver mole!

Itchy and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 194 Find points today: 46 Hunt total: 493

You get (x1)Itchy gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 3

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 14/29:
What? Wait - a flying horse used in Moon Jumping? Wouldn't that mean the horse is jumping and not Claudia? As Claudia rides her winged mount over the summer orb earning yet another win, no foul play is called out (not even from the spectating fowls). Looks like the rules say only cows may Moon Jump, but are a bit fuzzy on what is allowed when they jump.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Arthur.

You shook paws with Arthur the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Arthur and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 259 Find points today: 53 Hunt total: 500

You get (x1)Arthur gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 150

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 15/29:
While watching one of the Moon Jumping competitions, Samantha notices something strange - Claudia has tied springs to her hooves! Samantha believes this must count as cheating, or the other competitors would have done the same. Candy, Fuchsia, and Sir Loin share their agreeance.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Nano.

You shook paws with Nano the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Nano and you found 5 "Treehouse Frame" size 4.

Tries today: 273 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 503

You get (x1)Nano gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 16/29:
Samantha watches the trees move in the strong wind while waiting for Claudia's turn in the competition. Everything seems normal until Claudia jumps - pulling out an umbrella to help propel her further along than she could have done on her own.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Finley.

You shook paws with Finley the Ragdoll Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Finley and you found 10 Copper Trolls!

Tries today: 359 Find points today: 67 Hunt total: 514

You get (x1)Finley gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 17/29:
Moon Jumping on location! Following Claudia around has not been easy, but Samantha has found sometimes it brings her to popular locations. This bright sunny day finds her investigation has brought her to the Sydney Opera House, where Claudia is participating in a special exhibition. Samantha watches on as Claudia receives a special medal, much to the dismay of Candy, Fuchsia, and Sir Loin.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet wiggles.

You shook paws with wiggles the Playful Penguin. You both received one silver mole!

wiggles and you found 10 "Blue Star Coin" size 4.

Tries today: 366 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 517

You get (x1)wiggles gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10
(size 4)

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 18/29:
Knowing hot air balloon races are popular in other places, Claudia decides to try it out, debating if it will help her in the next competition. Candy and Fuchsia use their colours to blend in to the other balloons to spy, thinking surely something as large as a hot air balloon wouldn't be allowed into the competition.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet why.way.

You shook paws with why.way the Escaped Aye-Aye. You both received one silver mole!

why.way and you found 3 Solo Star Power Bar.

Tries today: 533 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 536

You get (x1)why.way gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 3

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 19/29:
What a beautiful foggy night for Moon Jumping! Such a strong wind blowing the feathers and fur of the spectators around though...and Claudia seems to be using it to her advantage! Just look at those fans she attached to herself to utilize the wind, elongating her jump! Maybe she thought in all the fog no one would notice?

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Myth.

You shook paws with Myth the Pink Jay. You both received one silver mole!

Myth and you found 10 Copper Trolls!

Tries today: 627 Find points today: 100 Hunt total: 547

You get (x1)Myth gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10

24th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 20/29:
What? Could it be? Claudia got her hands on a flying broom! And not just any flying broom, but a top-of-the-line "Phoenix N Fierce" racing broom! Claudia takes the broom for a spin, not only covering a far greater distance than she could on her own but also in record speed. There's no way any of the other jumpers could beat a score made with a broom like that.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Hester.

You shook paws with Hester the Arctic Hare. You both received one silver mole!

Hester and you found 10 "Sixth Place Rosette" size 4.

Tries today: 710 Find points today: 107 Hunt total: 554

You get (x1)Hester gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10
(size 4)

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 21/29:
It's the middle of the night with no competition happening - what is Claudia up to now? Samantha, Candy, Fuchsia, and Sir Loin watch stealthily from behind some trees as Claudia meets up with a friend and a....spaceship? Certainly a spaceship isn't legal to use for the games! Thankfully it's sounding like flying a spaceship is more complicated than Claudia originally thought...

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Mischief.

You shook paws with Mischief the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Mischief and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 8 Find points today: 6 Hunt total: 565

You get (x1)Mischief gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 3

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 22/29:
All this travelling is exciting but exhausting! Samantha, Candy, Fuchsia, and Sir Loin bundle themselves up to watch Claudia's jump over a gigantic iceberg right ahead of them. At first it seemed a sincere win for Claudia, until Samantha overhears someone saying they saw Claudia attach cleats to her hooves to stop her from slipping as she started her jump.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Zazzy.

You shook paws with Zazzy the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Zazzy and you found 5 "Green Gazebo Birdhouse" size 4.

Tries today: 69 Find points today: 26 Hunt total: 585

You get (x1)Zazzy gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 23/29:
One peaceful night Samantha spots something strange outside her window... Is that Claudia on her flying horse? Samantha overhears some Claudia fans from outside talking about how brilliant she is to use the flying horse for travel to help keep her fresh and ready to defend her title. But Samantha knows that isn't true at all, that same horse was used to win a competition!

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Punky.

You shook paws with Punky the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Punky and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 83 Find points today: 29 Hunt total: 588

You get (x1)Punky gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 150

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 24/29:
Claudia won AGAIN! With another amazing win under her belt, was there any way to beat this "Moon Jumping Champion"? Sir Loin was already feeling steamed, and Samantha believed there were many competitors out there who could do better, but Claudia's cheating kept her ahead of them all.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Tiara Maxwell.

You shook paws with Tiara Maxwell the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Tiara Maxwell and you found 10 "Fifth Place Rosette" size 4.

Tries today: 107 Find points today: 34 Hunt total: 593

You get (x1)Tiara Maxwell gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10
(size 4)

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 25/29:
The Fast and Furriest Games were all over bar the prize giving. The team had collected a vast dossier of information. It was all Samantha could do to remember all the details when she reported back to Flounder with the rest of the team.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Esmeralda.

You shook paws with Esmeralda the Green Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Esmeralda and you found 10 "Seventh Place Rosette" size 4.

Tries today: 191 Find points today: 46 Hunt total: 605

You get (x1)Esmeralda gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10
(size 4)

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 26/29:
The Mouse in Trousers was disappointed that the Champions had won all the events. "Still," he said to himself, "at least I forced them to win honestly. That's all that matters."

"Wait a minute!" said Flounder. "I have in my fins a vast dossier listing countless ways in which these pets have CHEATED!"

The Mouse was overjoyed. "Rule 1!" he cried. "No cheating!"

"We mumbled the oath!" replied the Champions. "We never took it!"

"Rule 1 also says you can't compete if you didn't take the oath!" said the Mouse triumphantly. "You're not only disqualified, you are under a life time ban from any event held by me!"

The Champions exited the stage, moaning and groaning.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Minerva.

You shook paws with Minerva the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Minerva gave you 1 "pet overlay 2"

Tries today: 200 Find points today: 49 Hunt total: 608

You get (x1)Minerva gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 27/29:
“But what shall I do with the race cars?” wondered the Mouse in Trousers.

“Is it too late to have a Rule 2?” asked Flounder. “Not if Rule 2 says it isn’t too late,” replied the Mouse. “Rule 2; rules can only be added before the prizes have been given, and snoopers get cheats' prizes!” said Flounder.

The Mouse was overjoyed. Each of the team stepped forward to receive a race car, even though the Mouse had to get an extra one for Samantha.

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Rex.

You shook paws with Rex the Brown Lovable Labrador. You both received one silver mole!

Rex gave you 1 "Orange Racecar"

Tries today: 232 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 613

You get (x1)Rex gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 28/29:
Back at the Club House, Sam the Turtle was incandescent.

“**** the Mouses’ rules!” he yelled. (He was having some trouble with the swearing filter). “I say again ****! What are the rules of the Power Pets Sports Club?”

The Champions looked crestfallen, but had to reply: “There is only one rule: never get caught.”

“****, ***** and ******!” roared Sam. “You’re all fired!”

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Princess.

You shook paws with Princess the Green Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Princess and you found 5 "Treehouse Door (Round)" size 4.

Tries today: 418 Find points today: 76 Hunt total: 635

You get (x1)Princess gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

25th Jul 2019

Samantha is questing!
Episode 29/29:
It was a happy day for Flounder. As Samantha prepared to drive home, Flounder had another surprise for her. “When I saw the look on the Champions’ faces, I knew it had been worth all those gems. Far more, just to see them thrown out. Here’s your questly bonus of 20 GM; you deserve it!

Samantha has completed the quest! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

Whilst mingling with the excited crowds, you meet Perdita.

You shook paws with Perdita the Lilac Daydream Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Perdita and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 746 Find points today: 109 Hunt total: 668

You get (x1)Perdita gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 20