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& Fishie


Fishie has completed the quest of
"Skeezle's Treasure" !

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 1:
Welcome aboard yer new ship, Banana Milk, it's time to meet yer crew! Quazzle, An Droid, Packrat, Mr. Fox and me - Captain Dawg!

“Tis the terriblest crew I ever saw aboard a lump o'wood with a handkerchief for a sail. Well, I suppose ye'll do as helmsman, ye scurvy - err, I mean, aye aye, Boss!”

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Barley!
Barley and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 5 Find points today: 3 Hunt total: 1467

You get (x1)Barley gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 2:
In the waning light of dusk, An decides to juggle cannon balls to while away the time until they arrive at the island.

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Berry!
Berry and you found 5 "Palm Tree of Life" size 4.

Tries today: 35 Find points today: 11 Hunt total: 1475

You get (x1)Berry gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 3:
Coming ashore, the crew discovers a wonder to behold!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Corona!
Corona and you found 5 "Full Treasure Chest" size 4.

Tries today: 73 Find points today: 19 Hunt total: 1483

You get (x1)Corona gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 4:
Having steered their ship down an inlet, Captain Dawg grabs a spade and he and the crew take Banana Milk ashore to see what they can discover. Banana Milk makes a thrilling find!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Sweetie!
Sweetie and you found 5 "Compass With Dark Paw" size 4.

Tries today: 169 Find points today: 37 Hunt total: 1501

You get (x1)Sweetie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 5:
Skeezle attacks your vessel! Fortunately, he gets distracted by the scent of his banana sword, which is getting a little overripe, and you escape. Whew, that was a close one!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Symphony!
Symphony and you found 5 "Palm Tree of Life" size 4.

Tries today: 258 Find points today: 47 Hunt total: 1511

You get (x1)Symphony gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 6:
The ship is at anchor, and all seems well, when suddenly, The Kraken attacks!
Aha! So they're the ones who took all the pool floaties! Banana Milk quickly uses the net to retrieve them, but what else is caught in it?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Rex!
Rex and you found 1 "Purple Ink Puff 3".

Tries today: 450 Find points today: 71 Hunt total: 1535

You get (x1)Rex gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 7:
Trilliant Island, though no longer magical after floating away from the enchanted land it came from, is still beautiful, and Banana Milk and the crew eagerly await the dawn, to search out its secrets!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Sweetie!
Sweetie and you found 5 "Pile of Doubloons" size 4.

Tries today: 76 Find points today: 25 Hunt total: 1576

You get (x1)Sweetie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 8:
Rat finds a gray key, and is wary lest Mr. Fox take it... he tends to lose things, Rat thinks.., but Banana Milk knows it's just because he's a packrat and doesn't throw away anything!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Rosie!
Rosie and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 91 Find points today: 29 Hunt total: 1580

You get (x1)Rosie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 9:
Tropical storms won't keep the crew from exploring the island and grabbing up the unusual, is it trash or left over yard sale items? Packrat points out that one man's trash is another man's treasure!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Tasi!
Tasi and you found 5 "Spyglass" size 4.

Tries today: 375 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 1621

You get (x1)Tasi gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 10:
Banana Milk has spotted a small cave! Captain Dawg orders the "Pile of Doubloons" they find to be taken aboard, but Rat better look out, that croc looks hungry!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Roxas!
Roxas and you found 5 "Pile of Doubloons" size 4.

Tries today: 434 Find points today: 78 Hunt total: 1629

You get (x1)Roxas gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 11:
As the ship passes through an area known for its sudden storms and treacherous depths, the crew spots a sunken ship! The kindly Krakens bring the young quadropi for their first view of these wonders, as the crew looks on in disbelief!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Midnight!
Midnight and you found 1 "Klutzy Kraken" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1632

You get (x1)Midnight gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 12:
Sailing past a grand castle, the crew notices the parrots flying overhead look very familiar...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Cahlua Creme Cowe!
Cahlua Creme Cowe and you found 5 "Palm Tree of Life" size 4.

Tries today: 203 Find points today: 42 Hunt total: 1673

You get (x1)Cahlua Creme Cowe gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 13:
It's clear sailing, but Banana Milk and Quazzle watch for danger as the lighthouse guides their way past rocks, hungry sharks and the occasional monkey trying to steal their swords!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Majestic!
Majestic and you found 5 "Galleon" size 4.

Tries today: 515 Find points today: 83 Hunt total: 1714

You get (x1)Majestic gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 14:
As Banana Milk and crew sail past a mysterious island, all aboard are burning with curiosity, but the tide is against them, and they sail on. Only Rat seems eager to depart this strangely familiar place...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with rose!
rose and you found 5 "Spyglass" size 4.

Tries today: 57 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 1748

You get (x1)rose gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 15:
Cap'n Dawg was aft consulting the compass by the light of the silvery moon, with Packrat steering, when an island was spotted in the distance. It was rocky and quite odd-looking!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with TRUNTE!
TRUNTE and you found 5 "Red Bones Bandana" size 4.

Tries today: 143 Find points today: 42 Hunt total: 1770

You get (x1)TRUNTE gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 16:
And the rock bespoke the crew... All hands hoay! To me, and fear ye not! For I've been watching ol’ Skeezle’s comings and goings, and tis I alone that knows the secret of where to find ol’ Skeezle’s castle!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Mr Whiskers!
Mr Whiskers and you found 1 "Laughing Rock Mountain"

Tries today: 38 Find points today: 14 Hunt total: 1785

You get (x1)Mr Whiskers gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 17:
Blow me down! What be aglow in dis secret cave? Doubloons aplenty, me thinks! Heave to Banana Milk, for dis booty be your’n now!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Shivers!
Shivers and you found 1 "Shiny Gold Coins"

Tries today: 92 Find points today: 25 Hunt total: 1796

You get (x1)Shivers gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 18:
Heave to an' anchors away me hearties, fer surely dis be ol' Skeezle's Cove! An' what 'ave we 'ere? A sight fer sore eyes indeed! Da galleons be ol' Skeezle's plunder, captured on da high seas one an' all! Mighty fast dey be, compared wit' Banana Milk's ol' man-o-war!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with rose!
rose and you found 5 "Banana Sword" size 4.

Tries today: 111 Find points today: 29 Hunt total: 1800

You get (x1)rose gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 19:
Land ho! Avast ye mateys! A formidable sight indeed...mayhap ye can stay aboard, while Banana Milk reconnoitres ol' Skeezle's castle on der own...?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Balin Durin!
Balin Durin and you found 5 "Banana Sword" size 4.

Tries today: 129 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 1803

You get (x1)Balin Durin gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 20:
Ahoy, me hearties, avast ye! Skeezle’s three sheets to da wind, so fetch up that thar key from Trilliant Island ya scurvy dogs! Wha' be this? Treasure or naught but sand?
Blimey and blow me down! All hand hoay! Heave ho on dat thar big pink beauty, or ye’ll feed da fish afore nightfall!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Puddle Pup!
Puddle Pup and you found 1 "Pink Crystal Cluster" size 11

Tries today: 208 Find points today: 46 Hunt total: 1817

You get (x1)Puddle Pup gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 11)

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 21:
While Skeezle is busy buying some new hats, Banana Milk and crew are wondering how they will get away in their ship when Skeezle's stolen pirate galleon is the fastest around! Thinking quickly, Captain Dawg leads them aboard Skeezle's own vessel and they make for home!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Archie!
Archie and you found 1 "Black Ship"

Tries today: 262 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 1823

You get (x1)Archie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Banana Milk is questing!
Episode 22:
Cor, Banana Milk an' da crew be 'ome in one piece, wit everythin' shipshape! Dey splice da mainbrace an' share out da booty, mindful of gettin' 3 sails to da wind! For tis da mornin' tide dey be takin', bound for more high seas adventure an' another Quest!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Cuckoo!
Cuckoo and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 397 Find points today: 67 Hunt total: 1838

You get (x1)Cuckoo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 20