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Kristina Waters
& Shivers


Shivers has completed the quest of
"Skeezle's Treasure" !

Shivers is questing!
Episode 1:
Welcome aboard yer new ship, Shivers, it's time to meet yer crew! Quazzle, An Droid, Packrat, Mr. Fox and me - Captain Dawg!

“Tis the terriblest crew I ever saw aboard a lump o'wood with a handkerchief for a sail. Well, I suppose ye'll do as helmsman, ye scurvy - err, I mean, aye aye, Boss!”

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with DAISY!
DAISY and you found 5 "Golden Candelabrum" size 4.

Tries today: 609 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 1456

You get (x1)DAISY gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 2:
A beautiful castle, but well guarded, comes into view. Sail on, mates, there's treasure aplenty elsewhere, with no cannon to guard it!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Ekati!
Ekati and you found 5 "Grape Shooter" size 4.

Tries today: 4 Find points today: 3 Hunt total: 1463

You get (x1)Ekati gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 3:
It's clear sailing, but Shivers and Quazzle watch for danger as the lighthouse guides their way past rocks, hungry sharks and the occasional monkey trying to steal their swords!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Blue Jay!
Blue Jay and you found 1 "Warm Glow Lighthouse"

Tries today: 76 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 1480

You get (x1)Blue Jay gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 4:
An is getting rusty, so Captain Dawg takes the "Ship’s Wheel" with him to get the oil can, and a stranger tries to hold up the crew!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Thornton!
Thornton and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 158 Find points today: 33 Hunt total: 1493

You get (x1)Thornton gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 5:
As the ship passes through an area known for its sudden storms and treacherous depths, the crew spots a sunken ship! The kindly Krakens bring the young quadropi for their first view of these wonders, as the crew looks on in disbelief!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Hansi (Icky Bird Who Can't Fly)!
Hansi (Icky Bird Who Can't Fly) and you found 1 "Purple Ink Overlay".

Tries today: 192 Find points today: 38 Hunt total: 1498

You get (x1)Hansi (Icky Bird Who Can't Fly) gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 6:
Shivers looks on in alarm as a storm pounds their vessel! Rat bravely mans the crow's nest, and is almost tossed overboard!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Flutter!
Flutter and you found 5 "Grape Shooter" size 4.

Tries today: 218 Find points today: 42 Hunt total: 1502

You get (x1)Flutter gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 7:
The ship navigates down an inlet and drops anchor on a sandy beach. It is pouring with rain and the crew get their umbrellas out! ('Ware shark, Captain Dawg!) Shivers also disembarks and makes an exciting discovery!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Brujula!
Brujula and you found 5 "Ship’s Cannon" size 4.

Tries today: 337 Find points today: 53 Hunt total: 1513

You get (x1)Brujula gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 8:
By the light of the moon, pets navigate to a small island on the port side.

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Finley!
Finley and you found 5 "Ship’s Cannon" size 4.

Tries today: 483 Find points today: 72 Hunt total: 1532

You get (x1)Finley gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 9:
Tropical breezes and treats have been enjoyed on the small island, and the crew gathers to see what everyone found while exploring today.

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Kitty Boo!
Kitty Boo and you found 5 "Empty Treasure Chest" size 4.

Tries today: 503 Find points today: 76 Hunt total: 1536

You get (x1)Kitty Boo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 10:
Shivers and Captain Dawg decide to do a little diving, when Shivers spots an incredible sight. Underwater chicken fight! Krakens are great at this game, as their tentacles make it easy to hang on, but Shivers is not so sure the other players are having as much fun...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Canela!
Canela and you found 1 "Klutzy Kraken" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 14 Find points today: 8 Hunt total: 1561

You get (x1)Canela gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 11:
Land ho! What is this I see? A quick jaunt down the beach and there it is! Claim it quickly, before that croc makes it a meal!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with miniyao!
miniyao and you found 1 "Skeezle's Treasure Map (Trilliant Island section)"

Tries today: 212 Find points today: 49 Hunt total: 1602

You get (x1)miniyao gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 12:
"Land, ho!" cries Quazzle from the crow's nest. Captain Dawg directs the crew to make for Trilliant Island (now safely settled in PnF Sea, after floating away from its formerly magical moorings) but Shivers is wondering what those other ships are doing there, and are they friendly?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Dan Marino!
Dan Marino and you found 5 "Message in a Bottle" size 4.

Tries today: 9 Find points today: 5 Hunt total: 1632

You get (x1)Dan Marino gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 13:
Trilliant Island, after floating away from its magical land, and settling into PnF Sea, is still a place of mystery, beauty, and piracy! All Skeezle left was a green key, but Captain Dawg reassures Shivers that he will not let that scurvy dog get away! What now?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Kia!
Kia and you found 5 "Full Treasure Chest" size 4.

Tries today: 187 Find points today: 46 Hunt total: 1673

You get (x1)Kia gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 14:
As Shivers and crew sail past a mysterious island, all aboard are burning with curiosity, but the tide is against them, and they sail on. Only Rat seems eager to depart this strangely familiar place...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Bonny!
Bonny and you found 5 "Full Treasure Chest" size 4.

Tries today: 364 Find points today: 66 Hunt total: 1693

You get (x1)Bonny gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 15:
"Mr Fox!" roared the Captain. "Belay that last order and move this pesky candelabra afore it sets fire to yon rigging and sheets. What landlubber put it there? Into the brig wi' them!"
Shivers was quaking, but at that moment there was a cry of "Land ahoy!" as a weird looking rocky island hove into view!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with shyla!
shyla and you found 1 "Skeezle's Treasure Map (laughing rock section)"

Tries today: 414 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 1697

You get (x1)shyla gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 16:
And the rock bespoke the crew... All hands hoay! To me, and fear ye not! For I've been watching ol’ Skeezle’s comings and goings, and tis I alone that knows the secret of where to find ol’ Skeezle’s castle!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with bielzibub!
bielzibub and you found 1 "Laughing Rock Mountain"

Tries today: 509 Find points today: 81 Hunt total: 1708

You get (x1)bielzibub gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 17:
Blow me down! What be aglow in dis secret cave? Doubloons aplenty, me thinks! Heave to Shivers, for dis booty be your’n now!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with DILLIGAS!
DILLIGAS and you found 1 "Shiny Gold Coins"

Tries today: 655 Find points today: 99 Hunt total: 1726

You get (x1)DILLIGAS gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 18:
Heave to an' anchors away me hearties, fer surely dis be ol' Skeezle's Cove! An' what 'ave we 'ere? A sight fer sore eyes indeed! Da galleons be ol' Skeezle's plunder, captured on da high seas one an' all! Mighty fast dey be, compared wit' Shivers's ol' man-o-war!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Dave!
Dave and you found 1 "Skeezle Cove"

Tries today: 114 Find points today: 41 Hunt total: 1767

You get (x1)Dave gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 19:
Land ho! Avast ye mateys! A formidable sight indeed...mayhap ye can stay aboard, while Shivers reconnoitres ol' Skeezle's castle on der own...?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Daisy!
Daisy and you found 5 "Ship’s Cannon" size 4.

Tries today: 327 Find points today: 71 Hunt total: 1797

You get (x1)Daisy gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 20:
Ahoy, me hearties, avast ye! Skeezle’s three sheets to da wind, so fetch up dat thar key from Trilliant Island ya scurvy dogs! Wha' be this? Treasure or naught but sand?
Yo ho ho! Time to hornswaggle ol’ Skeezle! Heave ho on dat thar big turquoise bauble, or ye’ll feed da fish afore nightfall! Put some shoulder into it Shivers, ya landlubber! No prey no pay!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Midnight love!
Midnight love and you found 1 "Turquoise Solitaire Crystal" size 11

Tries today: 425 Find points today: 83 Hunt total: 1809

You get (x1)Midnight love gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 11)

Shivers is questing!
Episode 21:
Shivers is confused when Captain Dawg asks, "Do ya like purple, Boss?" but confusion turns to delight when they exchange their slow moving "lump o' wood" for a Purple Galleon, one of many ships stolen by Cap'n Skeezle! Now to escape with the treasure!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Hot Stuff!
Hot Stuff and you found 1 "Purple Ship"

Tries today: 576 Find points today: 99 Hunt total: 1825

You get (x1)Hot Stuff gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Shivers is questing!
Episode 22:
Home sweet home! What a relief for Shivers and the crew, after such a long and harrowing voyage! There's very little time to wet the whistle and divvy up the treasure though, because their next voyage is about to begin!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Fizzgig!
Fizzgig and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 106 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 1863

You get (x1)Fizzgig gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 20