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Dorte Vishali


NATI has completed the quest of
"Finding Baby" !

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 1/25:
Settling home after an afternoon about the town, Laozi the Snowy Owl and Cicero the Screech Owl discuss their day out.

"Never enough Chocolate Mice at the market."

"Frank needs to grow more of them."

"Oh I'm sure he has plenty and is just not distributing them to create more demand."

"I wouldn't put it past him."

"At least we got some Ginger Snap Cats. Ptolemy has been asking for them."

"You spoil him too much, Laozi."

"Owlets deserve to be spoiled now and then."

"He seems rather quiet tonight, maybe we should check on - Ptolemy? Ptolemy where are you hiding?"

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Chewbie.

NATI shook paws with Chewbie the Dauntless Dolphin.They both received one silver mole!

Chewbie gave you 1 "Lucky Charm Grasshopper" size 7

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

(size 7)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 2/25:
Strolling through the wood, NATI hears a racket coming from the trees above her.

"Ptolemy! Bambino! Where did you go?"

"You don't think he tried branching while we were gone?"

"Oh I hope not, he's still too young."

Flipping over twigs and blankets and toys, a little Sugar Bug gets hit on the head down in the grass. Looking up he wonders, What's all this commotion about?

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Valentino.

NATI shook paws with Valentino the Explorer Bug V3.They both received one silver mole!

Valentino gave you 1 "Sparkling Yellow Sugar Bug" size 7

Tries today: 43 Find points today: 19 Hunt total: 19

(size 7)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 3/25:
"He isn't here, Cicero! He must have left the nest!"

"But where would he have gone? Surely one of the neighbors would have said something had they seen him."

"Umm, excuse me?" NATI asks from below the tree. "I don't mean to be nosy, but you're being awfully loud about something."


"A traveller!"

"Maybe she saw something."

"Ask her, ask her!"

"Yes, yes. Excuse me down there, you haven't seen a young owlet wondering along the ground have you? About yeigh high, all fluff?"

NATI looked around herself. "Sorry, no. The only owlets I've seen have been with other owls."

"Oh this won't do... Where's Phillamena? Phillamena!"

A flower knocked over on its side in the nest tried to wave its leaves. "I was asleep until you knocked me over with all this fuss!"

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Rex.

NATI shook paws with Rex the Brown Mini Rex Rabbit.They both received one silver mole!

Rex gave you 1 "Flabbergasted Frost Flora" size 7

Tries today: 171 Find points today: 44 Hunt total: 44

(size 7)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 4/25:
"Phillamena you're no help at all."

"I am just a nestplant. If you want a nanny you should have hired one."

"Oh even his favourite toy is gone!"

"He must have taken it with him. You there - stranger, traveller."

NATI pointed to herself. "Me?"

"Yes, you. Are you sure you haven't seen an owlet?"

"Quite sure. If you'd like I can help you search for your owlet."

"I'll help as well!" came a call from the other side of the tree. Turning around there was a small yellow Sugar Bug perched on a rock. "Heard the whole thing. I'll help find your missing owlet."

"Oh thank you!" Laozi cried.

"Phillamena please stay here in case Ptolemy returns."

The flower tried to straighten her pot back up. "At least help me back up!"

Whilst searching for baby, you meet The Great Pumpkin.

NATI shook paws with The Great Pumpkin the Baby Gourdee.They both received one silver mole!

The Great Pumpkin gave you 1 "Peek-a-Boo Owl" size 7

Tries today: 177 Find points today: 48 Hunt total: 48

(size 7)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 5/25:
Searching along the forest floor, no sign of the owlet could be seen.

"Where could he have gone?"

"Well he couldn't just fly off. He must be around here somewhere."

"I can't believe no one saw him go."

"Maybe we should split up," Wilbur the Sugar Bug suggested. "We could cover more ground and find him faster."

"It's not a bad idea," Cicero pondered. "All right. Wilbur, you and I will take to the skies. NATI and Laozi, you two continue searching down here."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet FiFi.

NATI shook paws with FiFi the Red Feisty Fox.They both received one silver mole!

FiFi gave you 1 "Chinese Dragon 2016" size 7

Tries today: 197 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 54

(size 7)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 6/25:
Taking to the sky, Cicero and Wilbur circle the forest, searching for any sign of the young owlet Ptolemy.

"And he's too young to fly?"

"Yes, he's still mostly fluffy down."

"He's never wandered away before?"

"The only times he's left the nest has been with me or Laozi. And we hardly get visitors this far out of town."

"I'm certain we'll find him, Cicero."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Venus.

NATI shook paws with Venus the Ragdoll Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

Venus and you found 10 Copper Trolls!

Tries today: 294 Find points today: 67 Hunt total: 67

x 10

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 7/25:
Wandering the forest floor, NATI notices some tracks.

"Hey, Laozi, you see these?"

Laozi flies over beside NATI. "I've not seen these tracks before."

"Should we follow them? It looks like they come from the direction of your nest."

"It may be nothing, but right now it's the closest to a lead we have. Onward! For Ptolemy!"

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Champ.

NATI shook paws with Champ the Black Lovable Labrador.They both received one silver mole!

Champ and you found 5 "Floating Petals Vase" size 4.

Tries today: 334 Find points today: 71 Hunt total: 71

x 5
(size 4)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 8/25:
Deep in the forest, a lone traveller treks through the foliage, discussing to themselves aloud.

"Oh my. Conifers. Conifers are fascinating, aren't they? Yes they are, Eager. Never expected conifers here. Pretty conifers. Simply fascinating. Fascinating."

The rustle of leaves and conversations of the other pets nearby mask the gentle meep meep! coming from their travel pack.

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Spark.

NATI shook paws with Spark the Arctic Feisty Fox.They both received one silver mole!

Spark and you found 1 "Peek-a-Boo Spirit Bear" size 7.

Tries today: 378 Find points today: 76 Hunt total: 76

(size 7)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 9/25:
"I think we've gone too far south, Cicero!"

"Yes, yes. Right you are, Wilbur. There's no way Ptolemy could have made it this far. But to be sure..." Cicero flew close to some Orangutans. "Excuse me dear sirs and madams! Have you seen a young owlet by chance?"

"No owlets here!"

"Not enough fur!"

A few Orangutans screeched their agreements.

Cicero huffed as he flew away. "'Not enough fur'." He tutted his annoyance.

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Auntie Mame.

NATI shook paws with Auntie Mame the Black Happy Penguin.They both received one silver mole!

Auntie Mame and you found 1 "Peek-a-Boo Spirit Bear" size 7.

Tries today: 450 Find points today: 84 Hunt total: 84

(size 7)

12th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 10/25:
"I've lost the tracks."

"But they were leading this way."

NATI and Laozi approach a pride of large felines on the outskirts of the forest.

"Have any of you seen an owlet?"

"What's an 'owlet'?"

"Maybe it's a fish"

"It's not a feline is it?"

"I think it's a bird of some kind."

"No, must be one of those pesky meerkats that keep coming around."

NATI glances at Laozi, "I'm thinking that's a no."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Wuzzy.

NATI shook paws with Wuzzy the Green Beautiful Unicorn.They both received one silver mole!

Wuzzy and you found 1 "Peek-a-Boo Spirit Bear" size 7.

Tries today: 584 Find points today: 99 Hunt total: 99

(size 7)

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 11/25:
"Well, this scene is just, just beautiful isn't it? Sunny day, bright sky, lots of clouds. Lots, lots of clouds. How many clouds? Can't count, too many."

A strong gust of cold wind rushed by the lone traveller, the young owlet burrowed into the travel pack to escape the cold, meeping in dislike.

"Storm coming, must leave. No rain, don't like rain. Pretty clouds, though. Lots of pretty clouds."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet minh ting ling.

NATI shook paws with minh ting ling the Panda.They both received one silver mole!

minh ting ling and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 30 Find points today: 16 Hunt total: 132

minh ting lingNATIQUEST REWARD
x 25

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 12/25:
Crossing the forest by air, Cicero and Wilbur quickly leave the more tropical foliage behind for tall evergreens. They fly over a lake, pets swimming and relaxing.


"It is the season for it."

"It's always the season, here. Come, Wilbur, maybe they know something of interest."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Trish.

NATI shook paws with Trish the Brown Owl.They both received one silver mole!

Trish and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 53 Find points today: 22 Hunt total: 138

x 150

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 13/25:
"More tracks!" NATI calls from ahead. "The same ones as before. They head up this mountain trail."

"I hope whichever pet left them isn't far ahead."

Climbing the mountain side, tracks disappear and reappear as the terrain changes. At a clearing near the top of the mountain they find where the pet they are following paused.

"Still nothing."

"There's more tracks heading back down the mountain this way. Don't give up hope yet."

"Oh Ptolemy, where are you?"

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Beatrix.

NATI shook paws with Beatrix the Duckling.They both received one silver mole!

Beatrix and you found 1 "Peek-a-Boo Dolphin" size 7.

Tries today: 64 Find points today: 25 Hunt total: 141

(size 7)

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 14/25:
"Nice lake, pretty lake." The traveller Eager walks closer while keeping distance from the campsites scattered around. "Clear water, very good. Different trees here. Mushrooms, flowers." Eager sniffs the air. "Smoke, fire, marshmallows. No time to wait. Keep moving."

The owlet hidden in the travel pack meeps softly, unheard above the commotion of the campers.

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Wawatay.

NATI shook paws with Wawatay the Arctic Feisty Fox.They both received one silver mole!

Wawatay and you found 1 "Peek-a-Boo Beaver" size 7.

Tries today: 71 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 144

(size 7)

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 15/25:
"Owlet? No, I've not seen any owlets around here."

Cicero sighs. "We've been searching half the day already."

"Try not to worry, friend," a red toad tells him. "I have faith you'll find your owlet." Cicero nods, not certain he believes the toad. "If we see any owlets we'll inquire for you."

"Thank you for your time good gentlepets. I best be on my way."

Flying into the sky Cicero struggles to keep himself hopeful.

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Sephira.

NATI shook paws with Sephira the Green Happy Dragon.They both received one silver mole!

Sephira and you found 5 "Pink Magnolia (Ikebana)" size 4.

Tries today: 104 Find points today: 33 Hunt total: 149

x 5
(size 4)

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 16/25:
"The tracks led here?" NATI asks hesitantly.

"Yes, indubitably."

"Are we safe here?"


"I mean - " NATI gestures around.

"Ohh... Your forest doesn't have Grove Guardians?"

"N-no...well...I don't have a forest..."

"The Grove Guardians are nothing to fear, NATI. They're quite friendly and keep the other plants in check from growing wild." NATI stared at Laozi, confused. "Excuse me, Grove Guardians? We're looking for a young owlet, my son Ptolemy."

"Owlet?" creaked an old Guardian. "Yes... I recall an owlet."

"The lake," responded a Guardian.

"The mountain," chimed in another Guardian.

"Past, past," the first Guardian said waving a tree limb. "Present, future, but not past." NATI glanced uncertainly at Laozi. "Village. You need the village."

"Which village?" Laozi asked.

"All villages same. Find the village."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Zasha.

NATI shook paws with Zasha the Husky.They both received one silver mole!

Zasha and you found 1 "Peek-a-Boo Yeti" size 7.

Tries today: 212 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 167

(size 7)

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 17/25:
"At last!" Eager exclaimed entering a village of small houses constructed from rocks, setting down their pack as they walk around. "Fascinating. Limestone, quartz, diorite, basalt. Splendid, simply splendid."

Not paying attention, the young owlet crawls out of the travel pack. Meeping, the owlet plays with a small toy.

"'Meep'? Who goes 'meep'?"

Eager turns seing the Rocks in the village congregate around something.

"Owlet! Owlet! Lost owlet!" Eager looks around frantically. "Parents? Where your parents?"

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Frost.

NATI shook paws with Frost the Green Rapid Dragonfly.They both received one silver mole!

Frost and you found 1 "Peek-a-Boo Beaver" size 7.

Tries today: 292 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 177

(size 7)

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 18/25:
"You have seen an owlet?"

"Yes, the owlet was inside a pack an eagle was carrying."

"An - an eagle?"

"It's a harmless old eagle."

"Travels through here once or twice a year."

"Never done any harm."

"Probably doesn't even know the owlet is there."

"A village of - rocks you say?" Cicero hoots in excitement. "This could be it, Wilbur! Which way is the village?"

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Jaylee.

NATI shook paws with Jaylee the Chocolate Milky Moo Cow.They both received one silver mole!

Jaylee and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 647 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 210

x 150

13th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 19/25:
"The tracks lead here!"

"I've never seen this village before."

"Are those - rocks?"

"Excuse me! Ahem! Dear Rocks! We are searching for a wee owlet, lots of fluffy down, no flight skills. Might have a small toy with him."

"Aye, we saw your owlet."

"Came out of a pack it did."

"An eagle's pack."

"What did you say?" Laozi asked in shock.

"Eagle traveller comes sometimes. Always alone. This time eagle brings owlet in their pack."

"Eagle didn't know, they was looking for other owls but we seen none until you."

"Eagle went this way," a Rock said rolling toward the edge of their village.

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Peridot.

NATI shook paws with Peridot the Green Rapid Dragonfly.They both received one silver mole!

Peridot and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 697 Find points today: 101 Hunt total: 217

x 3

14th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 20/25:
"Dear, dear. Oh dear. Lost owlet. Lost with me. Poor owlet. Must find your family."

The owlet meeps in approval.

"Where you come from, owlet?"

The owlet meeps quickly, excitedly.

"Home we get you, owlet. Come, come. No more sights to see."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Unitee.

NATI shook paws with Unitee the Blue Beautiful Unicorn.They both received one silver mole!

Unitee gave you 1 "Blue Jay Standing" size 7

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 229

(size 7)

14th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 21/25:


Eager caws out in surprise, flapping back out of the way as a Snowy Owl flies over to the owlet.

"Ptolemy! Oh Ptolemy you're okay!"

"Ptolemy?" Eager looks at the young owlet. "Fascinating."

"Thank you for finding him," NATI says as Laozi fusses over Ptolemy.

"Found me, owlet did. In my pack. Don't know how."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet NUTTER.

NATI shook paws with NUTTER the Chipmunk.They both received one silver mole!

NUTTER gave you 1 "Wee Owlet" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 61 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 248


14th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 22/25:
"This your nest?" Eager asks looking around. "Lots of oaks, maples. Strong trees. Good nesting trees. Good spot for resting during travels."

"You stopped here?" NATI asked as Cicero quickly flew to meet them, going straight for his owlet.

"Every year, same path. Stop here to rest. Never seen nests before."

"We moved our nest here when we knew Ptolemy would be coming to us," Cicero said. "More space for a larger nest to raise an owlet."

"Hmm," Wilbur pondered. "Ptolemy must have snuck into the eagle's pack while they were resting under your tree."

"Never steal an owlet I did," Eager the traveller said. "Didn't hear him, didn't see him until village."

Cicero was too focused on Ptolemy to listen to their musings.

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Midnight Bleu.

NATI shook paws with Midnight Bleu the Blue Beautiful Unicorn.They both received one silver mole!

Midnight Bleu gave you 1 "Yellow Swirly Grass"

Tries today: 165 Find points today: 40 Hunt total: 265


14th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 23/25:
NATI waited below with Wilbur and Eager as Cicero and Laozi brought Ptolemy back up to their nest.

"You found him!" exclaimed Phillamena. "Oh bless - where was he?"

"Apparently Ptolemy crawled into a traveller's pack while they were resting below our tree."

"Oh me oh my. Sounds like Ptolemy may have had a grand adventure!"

"More than enough for a long time."

Ptolemy meeped excitedly.

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Lacy.

NATI shook paws with Lacy the Angel Wing Butterfly.They both received one silver mole!

Lacy gave you 1 "Swirly Red Grass"

Tries today: 265 Find points today: 55 Hunt total: 280


14th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 24/25:
"Thank you for helping bring our Ptolemy home!"

"Yes, yes, thank you!"

"Happy ending, Eager likes happy endings."

"Please, Eager, let us know when you travel this way again. We will gladly let you rest here with us. We're certain Ptolemy will be happy to see his travel companion again."

"Ptolemy good owlet. Quiet. Nice travel company."

Wilbur yawned. "It's been a very long and stressful day. I'm happy Ptolemy is home and safe, but I will have to leave you for now. I have my own family to return to."

"Yes, yes. Thank you and good travels to you, Wilbur!" Cicero exclaimed. "And you, NATI, must you depart as well?"

"I was just passing through on my way to my new land. I should continue, I have a home to find."

Laozi hooted loudly. "You travel on your way - but pay no mind to finding a home. You have one waiting for you!" NATI looked confused. "Here," Laozi continued tossing NATI a small tree carving. "When you arrive, set it down and speak what is written on the back."

Whilst searching for baby, you meet Beatrice.

NATI shook paws with Beatrice the Brown Rustic Rabbit.They both received one silver mole!

Beatrice gave you 1 "Hollow Tree House"

Tries today: 312 Find points today: 62 Hunt total: 287


14th May 2020

NATI is questing!
Episode 25/25:
NATI came to a stretch of land before a great lake just as the sun was setting. Sighing happily to be at her new home, NATI remembers the carving Laozi had given her. Before setting the figure down, NATI examines the back of the carving to memorize the words written there.

NATI sets down the carving backing a good distance away. The ground rumbled fter speaking the strange words carved aloud. In a might fwoosh the carving grew to the full size of a tree, covered in blooming flowers, a large window carved into the tree.

Finding the entrance to the tree, NATI was amazed to find the inside seemed larger than it looked from the outside. "I shall have to send those owls a thank you. Quite a home, indeed."
NATI has completed the quest! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

Whilst searching for baby, you meet LITTLE LOLLY.

NATI shook paws with LITTLE LOLLY the Norwegian Fjord horse.They both received one silver mole!


Tries today: 567 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 315

x 20