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Kristina Zanotti
& Cheeky


Cheeky has completed the quest of
"Island Adventures" !

6th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 1/25

@ Scourger's Lake
Cheeky steps off the boat onto Olpeggo with fellow traveller Scaredy Cat. Time for a look around, but first a long stretch after the voyage!
Scourger's Lake
The tranquillity of this lake, with its perfect reflection of a snow-capped mountain, has to be experienced to be believed. It's just the place to relax for a nourishing picnic before starting on the next step of the island tour.

While touring the island, you bumped into Scaredy Cat.

Cheeky shook paws with Scaredy Cat the Scared Black Cat.They both received one silver mole!

Scaredy Cat and you found 50 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 32 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 2680

Scaredy CatCheekyQUEST REWARD
x 50

6th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 2/25

@ From the Trees
While Cheeky normally avoids tourist hotspots, he is glad he allowed Puff to bring him here!
From the Trees
A pet can climb or fly to the top of a tall tree overlooking Olpe Lake and from this vantage point look out across a vista of lake, peaks and conifers. It's such an amazing view!

While touring the island, you bumped into Puff.

Cheeky shook paws with Puff the Midnight Happy Dragon.They both received one silver mole!

Puff gave you 1 "Island Adventures Travel Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 202 Find points today: 45 Hunt total: 2713

(size 7)

6th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 3/25

@ Olpe Lake
Cheeky looked askance at Spark, wondering how he had ended up on a grey nomads' tour???
Olpe Lake
Visiting pets can employ the services of a resident orangutan who will row them across the Olpe Lake. He enjoys pausing the rowing boat right in the middle, where the water is deepest, and regaling his passengers in ghoulish tones with tales of the monster said to lurk in the depths of the Lake, a huge, strange looking creature called Olpessie. The more credulous of his passengers tend to start looking nervously fore and aft and shuffling towards the middle of the boat; bolder pets get their cameras out!

While touring the island, you bumped into Spark.

Cheeky shook paws with Spark the Arctic Feisty Fox.They both received one silver mole!

Spark and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 335 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 2729

x 5

6th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 4/25

@ Skipping Rocks
Cheeky was surprised to meet Angel here! But they were both delighted to find plenty of travel tokens!
Skipping Rocks
An exciting annual competition takes place here on the Olpe Lake! Those pets who excel at throwing take turns selecting flat stones from the banks of the lake, then skimming them across the water, with the aim of seeing how many times they can make it "skip" before it sinks!

While touring the island, you bumped into Angel.

Cheeky shook paws with Angel the Grey Playful Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

Angel and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 441 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 2745

x 15

6th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 5/25

@ Natural Shack
Cheeky looked around the scenery, asking Pricilla if there was any pet friendly accommodation nearby?
Natural Shack
A sister dwelling to the Green Roof Inn, this accommodation is particularly popular with those wishing to have a vacation by the sea.

While touring the island, you bumped into Pricilla.

Cheeky shook paws with Pricilla the Ragdoll Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

Pricilla and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 803 Find points today: 108 Hunt total: 2776

PricillaCheekyQUEST REWARD
x 5

7th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 6/25

@ Green Roof Inn
Cheeky had to travel on alone, as Starlight declared she had found her nirvana, and had no intention of moving on!
Green Roof Inn
This area on Olpeggo is a popular vacation spot, and these dwellings for hire, with their eco-friendly "green roofs", are ideally sited for those wishing to take a holiday here, whether it be for hiking, rambling, climbing, bird-spotting or just to relax and read or write in a peaceful countryside scene.

While touring the island, you bumped into Starlight.

Cheeky shook paws with Starlight the Midnight Happy Dragon.They both received one silver mole!

Starlight and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 135 Find points today: 33 Hunt total: 2809

StarlightCheekyQUEST REWARD
x 5

7th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 7/25

@ Olpe River
Cheeky looked around the scenery, asking lady ciganko if there was any pet friendly accommodation nearby?
Olpe River
The pets construct toy boats out of twigs and walnut shells, and stretch their legs by racing them downriver!

While touring the island, you bumped into lady ciganko.

Cheeky shook paws with lady ciganko the Yellow Lovable Labrador.They both received one silver mole!

lady ciganko and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 212 Find points today: 44 Hunt total: 2820

lady cigankoCheekyQUEST REWARD
x 15

7th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 8/25

@ Conifer Valley
Of all the pets Cheeky might have met here, Honey was the last he expected. But what a great view!
Conifer Valley
Pets pausing for a rest in this clearing among the conifers benefit from the shade and windbreak provided by the trees. They can lie back and enjoy the soothing sounds of wind through the pine branches and aromatic fragrances from the leaves and sap.

While touring the island, you bumped into Honey.

Cheeky shook paws with Honey the Bashful Badger.They both received one silver mole!

Honey and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 240 Find points today: 50 Hunt total: 2826

x 5

7th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 9/25

@ Conifer Stream
Admiring the view, Cheeky felt genuinely glad he had taken Cuckoo's advice on where the friends would meet up!
Conifer Stream
Conifer Stream is just the place for a happy, enjoyable and—let's face it!—wet afternoon going white water rafting ...

While touring the island, you bumped into Cuckoo.

Cheeky shook paws with Cuckoo the Brown Owl.They both received one silver mole!

Cuckoo and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 353 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 2846

x 5

7th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 10/25

@ Orange Blossom Field
While Cheeky was in a hurry to move along and shake some more paws, Bahama decided to stay put and sketch the scenery for this week's Art Challenge...
Orange Blossom Field
The artisan perfumiers of Olpeggo produce a delicate fragrance from the flowers in this field. The essence is a vital component in the making of perfume. The petals are also utilised in the making of delicately scented flower water used in the Olpeggo cuisine.

While touring the island, you bumped into Bahama.

Cheeky shook paws with Bahama the Luscious Lilac Dolphin.They both received one silver mole!

Bahama and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 629 Find points today: 103 Hunt total: 2879

x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 11/25

@ Pasture Range
Cheeky moved on to shake the next paw, oblivious to the fact that he'd also shaken Oscar, who had wandered off to pick wildflowers along the way...
Pasture Range
It's a complete misnomer! This old-fashioned wooden dock stretches out onto the lake, not onto meadowland. How many years has it stood there, with happy groups of pets clambouring on board sailing boats pulled up alongside, to set off on trips, or disembarking after their adventures?

While touring the island, you bumped into Oscar.

Cheeky shook paws with Oscar the Husky.They both received one silver mole!

Oscar and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 38 Find points today: 14 Hunt total: 2911

x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 12/25

@ Pasture Nook
Did you just photo bomb me? Cheeky asked Frøya as they shared the wonder of the vista.
Pasture Nook
This sheltered little group of houses is home to a happy community content with their way of life in the mountain valley.

While touring the island, you bumped into Frøya.

Cheeky shook paws with Frøya the Green Beautiful Unicorn.They both received one silver mole!

Frøya and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 66 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 2917

x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 13/25

@ Autumn Leaves
While Cheeky soaked in the view, Webbly was searching his backpack for the bug spray, certain that his fur would be crawling with little biting critters once the sun went down!
Autumn Leaves
All is still in the wood! It's just the perfect place for a pet to practise balancing by walking across fallen logs, playing hide & seek, collecting twigs and leaves to make pictures with back home, playing tracking, and taking bark rubbings.

While touring the island, you bumped into Webbly.

Cheeky shook paws with Webbly the Blue Footed Booby.They both received one silver mole!

Webbly and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 97 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 2925

x 15

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 14/25

@ Rebirth Shallow
Cheeky looked around the scenery, asking Mr. Dylan if there was any pet friendly accommodation nearby?
Rebirth Shallow
This copse of trees by a shallow pond in a less hilly region of Olpeggo is the favourite place of many young pets. The pond in summer teems with aquatic wildlife.

While touring the island, you bumped into Mr. Dylan.

Cheeky shook paws with Mr. Dylan the Yellow Lovable Labrador.They both received one silver mole!

Mr. Dylan and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 143 Find points today: 41 Hunt total: 2938

x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 15/25

@ Peggo's Shadow
Cheeky looked askance at Badger, wondering how he had ended up on a grey nomads' tour???
Peggo's Shadow
Can't you just imagine breathing in the crisp, clean air in the shadow of the Peggo Mountain Range? Here pets truly get back to nature, far away from towns and industries.

While touring the island, you bumped into Badger.

Cheeky shook paws with Badger the Bashful Badger.They both received one silver mole!

Badger and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 279 Find points today: 57 Hunt total: 2954

x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 16/25

@ Peggo Lake
While Cheeky normally avoids tourist hotspots, he is glad he allowed Thimbl to bring him here!
Peggo Lake
While enjoying rambling round the island, the pets have a happy surprise when a gap in the pine trees displays this magnificant view of Mount Peggo reflected in the lake.

While touring the island, you bumped into Thimbl.

Cheeky shook paws with Thimbl the Midnight Happy Dragon.They both received one silver mole!

Thimbl and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 562 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 2987

x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 17/25

@ Peggo Range
"You know what's missing here, Cheeky?"

"No, Lunaray, what's missing?"

"Nothing, Cheeky. This place is purr-fect!"
Peggo Range
Another stunning aerial view of Lake Peggo and the lesser Peggo mountains awaits the pet who conquers the main peak!

While touring the island, you bumped into Lunaray.

Cheeky shook paws with Lunaray the Gentle Jellyfish.They both received one silver mole!

Lunaray and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 593 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 2991

x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 18/25

@ The Conifers of Peggo
Cheeky looked askance at Choose a name, wondering how he had ended up on a grey nomads' tour???
The Conifers of Peggo
Olpeggo pine forests include huge ‘granny’ pines that can grow to be very old indeed. Many of the island's pine forests also have more varied canopies. Many animals and birds flourish in this unique habitat. For hundreds of years, pine forests have blanketed lake sides and hills, the home to myth, legend and rare wildlife.

While touring the island, you bumped into Choose a name.

Cheeky shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat.They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 690 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 2999

Choose a nameCheekyQUEST REWARD
x 5

8th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 19/25

@ Shallow Stream
"Come on Getaway, pick up the pace a little, will you?" Scolded Cheeky, hoping to get in a little more sight seeing before changeover...
Shallow Stream
At the next stage of the island tour, a pet can see Shallow Stream, a quiet region with all the delights of still water, and very young pine trees can be seen.

While touring the island, you bumped into Getaway.

Cheeky shook paws with Getaway the Ragdoll Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

Getaway and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 799 Find points today: 113 Hunt total: 3010

x 5

9th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 20/25

@ Peggo Trail
While Cheeky was in a hurry to move along and shake some more paws, Cutie decided to stay put and sketch the scenery for this week's Art Challenge...
Peggo Trail
This conifer-fringed track is the start of the hiking trail through the Olpeggo Mountains, with awesome views of the Olpe Lake and snow-clad peaks. Val-deri, val-dera!

While touring the island, you bumped into Cutie.

Cheeky shook paws with Cutie the Green Rapid Dragonfly.They both received one silver mole!

Cutie and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 30 Find points today: 13 Hunt total: 3025

x 5

9th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 21/25

@ Olpeggo View
Cheeky and Foxy Sir looked around in awe, wishing they'd thought to pack a picnic to enjoy here!
Olpeggo View
While on their hike, the pets fall in love with this deep turquoise lake at the foot of the Olpeggo mountain range. Legend has it that at the foot of the mountain is a fairy gateway to a secret world. Dare they seek it out ...?

While touring the island, you bumped into Foxy Sir.

Cheeky shook paws with Foxy Sir the Red Feisty Fox.They both received one silver mole!

Foxy Sir and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 124 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 3042

x 5

9th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 22/25

@ An Evening in the Air
Cheeky is enjoying the view when Sylvantra comes along. "Looks like you dropped something,", says Sylvantra. Cheeky looks down and sees something valuable. Well Cheeky WAS here first ...
An Evening in the Air
A popular pastime on the island is taking advantage of the thermals at this particular part of the island, and going hot air ballooning. It's quite some sight to see these majestic craft, with their precious animal cargo in baskets underneath, soaring up into the sunset. The best place to watch them ascend is from the tallest peak on the Peggo mountain range.

While touring the island, you bumped into Sylvantra.

Cheeky shook paws with Sylvantra the Grey Playful Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

Sylvantra gave you 1 "Aerial Balloons"

Tries today: 149 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 3047

SylvantraCheekyQUEST REWARD

9th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 23/25

@ A Sunset View
While Cheeky was whistling through his teeth as they ambled through another breathtaking scene, Queenie was secretly wishing she had packed ear plugs, or gaffer tape for Cheeky's mug!
A Sunset View
From the tallest peak of the Mount Peggo range, the most awe-inspiring vista is spread out before those who have clambered to the top. Smaller mountains are shrouded in mist, and at sunset everything is tinged with gold.

While touring the island, you bumped into Queenie.

Cheeky shook paws with Queenie the Majestic Monarch Butterfly.They both received one silver mole!

Queenie and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 180 Find points today: 45 Hunt total: 3057

x 5

9th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 24/25

@ Sunset Crossing
Cheeky looked around the scenery, asking Milk if there was any pet friendly accommodation nearby?
Sunset Crossing
Anypet who has climbed this high must take especial care and keep a weather eye open for the risks of high winds on the snowy ascent! From the top there is an almost as tricky a descent via a rope bridge, but those pets who makes the effort agrees it is well worth it for the stupendous views!

While touring the island, you bumped into Milk.

Cheeky shook paws with Milk the Holstein Friesian Calf.They both received one silver mole!

Milk and you found 100 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 301 Find points today: 67 Hunt total: 3079

x 100

9th Jul 2020
Cheeky is on Olpeggo!
Landmark 25/25

@ Island: Olpeggo
Cheeky finally makes it back to the landing stage, where Chesterfield is also about to embark and go home. What an adventure it has been! Cheeky pockets a map of Olpeggo as a momento. The guidebook says:
Island: Olpeggo
The Island of Olpeggo derives its name from Lake Olpe and Lake Peggo. Pets disembarking on its sandy beach will explore a river, woods and lakes and see how the other half live on this delightful island, then end their trip by climbing a very high, snow-capped mountain—but what stunning views from the top! They will be very tired but happy pets climbing back down the other side to reboard the boat.
Cheeky has completed the quest! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

While touring the island, you bumped into Chesterfield.

Cheeky shook paws with Chesterfield the Grey Playful Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

Chesterfield gave you 1 "Island: Olpeggo"

Tries today: 353 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 3089

ChesterfieldCheekyQUEST REWARD