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Josie Barlow
& Cashmere
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"Can You Find the Missing Piece(s) during Autism Awareness Month?"

Cashmere invited some friends over the play the Game, 'Can You Find the Missing Piece(s) in this Room?' during Autism Awareness Month. Scruffy looking intently on Foxy (white terrier) to see if he found the missing piece, Foxy thought that the Polka-dotted Chameleon was sitting on the missing piece, Queenie (elephant) too busy to play this game, because she was still cherishing her love letter that she got from Kingsley (her lover) still stationed over seas, Amadeus (panda bear) sleeping since storms puts him to sleep and Spike (pet rock) was wondering what all of the fuss was about playing this game. Cashmere is inviting all of his friends here in Pet n Friends Community to see if they can play this game, Can You find the Missing Piece(s) in this Room? Enjoy and have fun playing!
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