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& Scaredy Cat
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Fall Fun

Scaredy Cat and Bob decided to take a roadtrip to the farm to see all the fun Fall festivities. They were amazed! There were pumpkins galore! Some were carved up already and others awaiting that final artistic touch. Bob really wanted to try the corn maze but Scaredy Cat was too frightened. Who knows what would be lurking around the corner. So in the end they decided to keep it simple and off into the orchard they went to do some apple picking.

This week our pets are celebrating Fall and all the fun things you can find around town this time of the year. There's Fall festivals like Scaredy Cat and Bob are attending, where there's pumpkin carving, pumpking pies, and even pumpkin soup! Maybe your pet is going to the apple orchard to pick seasonal apples to make pies and other tasty pastries with. Some organizations hold what is called "Trunk or Treat", where young pets can come in fun costumes and take part in Halloween in a safe environment with friends and neighbors. There are fairs and carnivals with colorful decorations representing autumn - there pets can play all sorts of games, go on hay rides and eat all sorts of seasonal treats you can only find at these events. Of course, what pet can resist jumping into a pile of leaves?!?! What will your pet do to have fun during this festive and colorful time of the year?

*** Thank you Jen for helping me this week with the story!

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*Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
*You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Fall Fun" in the title or description.
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want.
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT October 22nd (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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