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Trisha Dawn Fehr
& Flash


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Flash the Black Feisty Fox (male)
Birthday: 2015-08-15 Adopted: 2015-08-15.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 400 (Bracing)

Best: 524 bullseyes

Your challenger!

Foxes are swift and agile - and we're sneaky, it's true. Need to get in and out of a hen house? I'm the one to call. I can help you devise a plot to sneak a chick out on a date without her family catching on. If you need help, I can lend a paw. At least I will if my paws are not busy building something I've dreamed up in a moment of inspiration!

Flash's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 8348
Best: 10706
Level 244741

Flash's other achievements

This pet survived working with Nibbles & Scritch on 2018-10-25!

Click the image to view the details!

This pet completed the 2017 Pirate Hunt on 2017-08-22!

Click the image to view the details!

Flash lives here!

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