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Hannah Branch
& Kindle


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Kindle the Midnight Happy Dragon (male)
Birthday: 2016-12-21 Adopted: 2016-12-21.

Skill: 23700 (Master)

Mood: 17500 (Devouring)

Best: 84000 °F

Your challengers!


When I was a baby dragon I used to watch my older brothers and sisters make fire for other creatures and couldn't wait until I was old enough. They had all the fun (and I had to stay home tending the hoard). I remember one time they all got to fly out and burn the fields. It's done every spring to get rid of the last season's dried up grasses, and make the soil rich for new growth. It's a sight to behold! And the cows are so grateful. They make ice cream and we come and turn it into baked Alaska.

Now I'm grown up, I love to help others and am always willing to lend my fire to fellow creatures. Sometimes they need fire to make something. I make blue fire, while my green cousins make orange fire. At least my fire matches my scales!

Some creatures are scared of me because I'm so big and fierce looking, but I am a friendly creature and I'm not so scary ... I'm scared of spiders! (Did someone say 'spider'? WHERE?)

I have the luxury of seeing the world from an aerial view whenever I want. The skill of flight is a thing I treasure every day. I am glad to be able to see the world of PnF from both the ground and sky. I often venture to places far, far away, then I bring back wonderful pictures of my travels for my friends to enjoy!

Kindle's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 14057
Best: 18242
Level 248382

Kindle's 'Power Pets' trophies:

30th May 2024
Won a size 10 Ferdinand Junior trophy for skill in Fire breathing!
2nd April 2022
Won a size 7 Ferdinand Junior trophy for skill in Fire breathing!

Kindle's 'Power Pets' achievements:


20th May 2024

6th place in Fire breathing:Bravery. Link

20th April 2022

3rd place in Fire breathing:Challenges. Link

7th place in Fire breathing:Form. Link

20th May 2019

3rd place in Fire breathing:Event %. Link

20th April 2019

7th place in Fire breathing:Bravery. Link

This pet was your first pet to Totally Own the Champion pet at Fire breathing! Link

Kindle's other achievements

This pet swam in the love on February 24th 2022!

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This pet completed their Christmas journey on January 8th 2022!

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This pet found Christmas on January 5th 2019!

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This pet survived working with Nibbles & Scritch on 2018-11-09!

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This pet came back from space on 2018-05-30!

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This pet found part of Cupig's story on 2018-04-08!

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Kindle lives here!

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