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An C Puck
& Aditi


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Aditi the Green Rapid Dragonfly (female)
Birthday: 2015-04-18 Adopted: 2015-04-18.

Skill: 2060 (Newbie)

Mood: 633 (Dragging)

Best: 1458 wows

Your challenger!

Lady Sparkles
Oh, hi! *zip* Let me introduce myself. Aditi the Dragonfly. I am the queen of the air. *whoosh* I can't sit still, I am always moving *zoom* Dancing through the air to my very own tune. Nothing gonna stop me now. I'm walking on sunshine? It never rains in Southern California. If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. I never promised you a rose garden...

Aditi's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 10062
Best: 13059
Level 245837

Aditi's 'Power Pets' achievements:

20th April 2024

5th place in Air-robics:Bravery. Link

20th February 2024

3rd place in Air-robics:Bravery. Link

Aditi lives here!

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