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An C Puck
& Myron


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Myron the Lucky Ladybug (male)
Birthday: 2019-10-06 Adopted: 2019-10-06.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 900 (Caterpillaring)

Best: 67 laps

Your challenger!

Spring is here and I am so happy! You would be too if you had just spent the last several months hibernating with thousands of your relatives. No snooze button for me! I have places to go and flowers to see. And it is so nice to be able to stretch my legs and wings again without bumping into anyone. Would you and your pet care to join me for a bite to eat? I know this amazing, little rose bush right around the corner.

Hi! You found me! Of course I’m pretty hard to miss with my brilliant, spotted back…and my propensity for hanging out on bright flowers. My outer shell may be a warning to stay away, but I’m really a very friendly little insect when you take the time to get to know me. Would your pet mind if I sit on their shoulder for a bit? I hear that is very good luck for pets. I am especially lucky for those who farm or garden. My family and I will work hard to keep plants free from harmful pests so they can grow big and strong.

You spotted me again! Get it? Spotted? It is a glorious day to be out and about in the garden. I just came from a beautiful patch of dandelions. Now I am headed over to a lemon tree that I heard need a little pest control. After that, if your pet is still nearby, I propose an exciting game of hide and seek. I must warn you though, even with this shiny shell, I am quite adept at hiding!

Myron's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 1000
Level 10

This pet has not made any achievements yet.

Myron lives here!

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