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An C Puck
& Flint


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Flint the Grey Badger (male)
Birthday: 2019-12-02 Adopted: 2019-12-02.

Skill: 1250 (Raw Recruit)

Mood: 300 (Snoring)

Best: 2169.60 kg

Your challenger!

Mr Brockbank
Hello! Hi there! How awesome to see you at the gym with me and my twin! I would introduce you, but my twin’s not much one for talking. Come in and join in the fun, did you bring your workout clothes? Good, let me coach you on proper use of the equipment, and my twin will, of course, mirror everything I do, so you can watch either of us! So, ready, set let’s go! Pump! Pump! Pump!

*whispers* Do you see that? Over there? It’s my twin! Every time I come to the gym to work out, my twin shows up. And no matter what exercise I choose, there’s my twin! Let’s go over to the bench press and load up the weights. Now, watch! Just as I put on my weight plates, my twin puts the same ones on! Every time! *giggles* Look, 100 kilos, same for my twin. I just keep pumping up and pumping up, and so does my twin. The really odd thing about having a twin, though? My twin lives at the gym!

Whew! Just finished off a good crossfit workout! All that hard work really pays off! Pumping iron, turning tires, climbing ropes! Now off to the Juice Bar to treat myself to a delicious Banana and Cherries Smoothie. Chock full of deliciousness! And don’t you know, as I am sipping there at the counter, there’s my twin, having one too. Still shows up at the gym but now, my twin starts following me in other places too. Why just the other day, it showed up in the dressing room at Macees wearing the same outfit as me!

Flint's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 1091
Best: 1344
Level 261

Flint's 'Power Pets' achievements:


20th May 2024

7th place in Weightlifting:Bravery. Link

20th March 2024

5th place in Weightlifting:Event %. Link

5th place in Weightlifting:Event Wins. Link

20th February 2024

3rd place in Weightlifting:Bravery. Link

6th place in Weightlifting:Event %. Link

6th place in Weightlifting:Event Wins. Link

Flint lives here!

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