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An C Puck
& Tear Drop


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Tear Drop the Blue baby bear (female)
Birthday: 2020-01-17 Adopted: 2020-01-17.
This pet is not active in Power Pets.
I might be blue, but I’m happy to see you. Did you know that little blue bears are integral in the community of bears? The reason for this is because they have a depth of understanding, they have a slice of mischievousness and are soft and squishy, so that if you cuddle a blue bear, you will sink into its fur and relax. Blue is a good hue to have on bedroom walls as it emanates a peaceful feeling and if walls can be blue then bears can be too. Right?

Tear Drop's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 1000
Level 10

Tear Drop's 'Power Pets' achievements:

20th April 2024

7th place in Words with Pets:Bravery. Link

Tear Drop lives here!

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