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Guinevere the NEW Horn fencing champion (Unicorn) (female)
Birthday: 2019-09-20 Adopted: 2019-09-20.

Skill: 30000 (Awesome!)

Mood: Humble

Best: 8400 hits

Your challenger!

Like Waylon and Pouchahontas, Guinevere’s angle was to look like she was cheating when she was playing fair. Her key and special effects wound her opponents up, but not nearly as much as they wound up Sam. He used to think she was the best cheat of them all, but like Waylon and Pouchahontas, Sam was the one who got cheated, and he has now accepted he deserved it.

Guinevere is now mending her reputation by giving free rides to baby pets. She tries not to mind when they have never seen a unicorn, and think she is a cow or a donkey. Thus she has become beloved of both children and mothers everywhere, which is a lot more valuable than pride … a lesson which all other proud unicorns should take to heart.

Guinevere's Skills

Find Food

Turns to go:
10 of 10

Skill: 1000
Level 10

This pet has not made any achievements yet.

Guinevere lives here!

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